








About NPA: Code of Ethics

Network Professional Association Code of Ethics
Revision adopted 11/12/2007

This Code of Ethics sets forth the principles and practices of professional conduct to be observed by the members of the Network Professional Association.

Network Professionals have an obligation to their profession to uphold the high ideals and level of personal knowledge evidenced by the membership held. Professionals should also encourage the dissemination of knowledge pertaining to the network computing profession. Network Professionals have an obligation to serve the interests of their employers and clients loyally, diligently and honestly. Network Professionals shall not engage in conduct that discredits the reputation or integrity of the network computing profession in general or the NPA program specifically.

The essential elements relating to professional practice are:
• A high standard of skill and knowledge
• A confidential relationship with people served
• The observance of an ethical code
• Public confidence in and reliance upon the codes, principles, and practices

Principles and Practices
To sustain and advance the integrity, honor, and prestige of the profession, I shall:

Remain current about technological developments in one's field; contribute to the interchange of technical/professional information; and participate in educational activities, as a learner and, when feasible, a teacher.

Recognize and commit to the confidential relationships that exist between professionals and their employers and/or clients; protext from disclosure to third parties any information acquired during the practice of one's profession, unless granted permission from proprietors of that information.

Comply with laws, by-laws, and regulations governing the profession and the industry.

Provide accurate information to consumers, clients, and employers about the profession and services offered.

Promote appropriate standards of professional behavior.

Respect intellectual property rights, including copyrights, patents and trademarks.

Refrain from wittingly claiming competence I do not demonstrably possess; professionals shall not take unfair advantage of the lack of knowledge or inexperience of others.
Not deliberately destroy or diminish the value or effectiveness of a network computing system through acts of commission or omission.

Exercise technical and professional competence in my areas of certification and its specialties. An NPA member shall disclose to the employer or client any pertinent known limitations. An NPA member shall not deliberately withhold vital information from the employer or client.

Act with strict impartiality when giving independent advice to a client or employer. In the event that the advice given is currently or potentially influential to one's personal benefit, full and detailed disclosure to all relevant interested parties shall be made at the time the advice is provided.

Not knowingly enter into a legal or contractual relationship with a party with whose interests conflict or are likely to conflict with mine unless that interest has been disclosed in advance to all parties involved.

Have special regard for the potential effects of network computing systems on individuals’ rights to privacy.

Qualify myself when expressing an opinion outside my professional competence in the event that such an opinion could be used improperly.

Exercise integrity in association interactions. I shall not attempt to obtain certification by fraud or deception. I shall not mis-state a material fact or fail to make a statement of material fact in an application or statement of representation of qualifications to the NPA membership or Certification Council.

Discipline and Revocation
The NPA Board of Directors shall automatically revoke any Membership or Certificate for noncompliance with mandatory recertification processes. The NPA Board of Directors, on behalf of the Network Professional Association, has the right to revoke any Membership or Certificate which has been awarded by it in the event that the recipient violates the Codes, or engages in conduct that discredits or disgraces the network computing profession.

The NPA Board of Directors has created a set of policies and procedures for handling revocation. These procedures detail the grounds for revocation, the due process requirements of a revocation proceeding, the hearing process with ample opportunity for both sides to present facts and arguments and an appeal process.

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