










Careers: Interviews
Rosaleen Citron: Eminent International Security Authority, Acclaimed Top-Ranking Entrepreneur and Executive, and CEO of WhiteHat Inc.

This week, Stephen Ibaraki, I.S.P., has an exclusive interview with acclaimed top-ranking entrepreneur and executive, Rosaleen Citron.

Rosaleen Citron is the Chief Executive Officer of WhiteHat Inc., an industry leading Information Technology Security Provider. Ms. Citron oversees the overall vision of the company within marketing, partnerships, alliance programs and supplier relationships. She is actively involved in the public media, and corporate awareness programs helping their partners and the public understand the need for security in today�s high-tech marketplace.

As an active member of the Computer Security Institute (CSI), the Information System Security Association (ISSA), and the Women�s Executive Network, Ms. Citron is actively pursued for speaking engagements. As a result of Ms. Citron�s widely respected elite expertise in security and business, she keynotes at numerous conferences around the globe, including at the 2005 e-Financial WorldExpo, October 27-28 in Toronto.

Ms. Citron is amongst the Profit and Chatelaine Top 100 Women Business Owners for the past several years and has been nominated for the Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award. Profit Magazine has nominated Ms. Citron as Canadian Woman Entrepreneur of the Year. Most recently, CRN Magazine names Rosaleen Citron #2 in the 5 Canadian Innovators worth Watching in 2005, and she was selected by the Canadian Embassy in Washington to present a keynote speech on cross border security.

To listen to the interview, click on this MP3 file link

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Here�s the latest blog on the interview where you can provide your comments in an interactive dialogue. And you can share them with us and Rosaleen too. We would like to hear your opinions on Rosaleen's views on security.

Interview Time Index (MM:SS) and Topic

00:36:  What are your key guidelines for anticipating business risk, and enhancing competitive advantage? How does credentialing help?
03:04: How do you see the role of a Chief Security Officer expanding beyond a sentry role but also into a business role?

I have heard you speak on corporate brand, compliance, privacy, digital identity, scandals and disasters as segments of the business landscape.

05:02:  How do these areas influence how executives look at technology? How do we secure these areas?
06:37:  What is the association with mitigating business risk?
08:44:  Can you provide an overview of the processes required to reduce risk and enhance competitiveness?
09:40:  Do you have best practices recommendations?
14:39:  Where do you see your company positioned in the future?
18:36:  Please make five predictions for the future. How can we best prepare?
33:49:  You are continually selected as one of the top executives. How do you wish to shape the world?
35:37:  Now, it's time for some fun questions:
  What is your passion?
  What is your favorite gadget?


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