Careers: Interviews
Skills Shortage and Blogs: Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, "the" Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing

This week, Stephen Ibaraki, DF/NPA, MVP, CNP, FCIPS, I.S.P., has the third of his exclusive interviews with computing pioneer, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD.D. (University of Toronto), D. Math. (Hon., University of Waterloo), D. Eng. (Hon., Technical University of Nova Scotia), Fellow CIPS (FCIPS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery.

Calvin GotliebKelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer, whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream, and profession. His contributions are so profound and their impact so diverse and in so many areas that the lasting value cannot be comprehended. Have a look at this blog to find out more:

The latest blogs on the interview can be found on November 27, 2006 in the Canadian IT Managers (CIM) forum where you can provide your comments in an interactive dialogue.

To listen to the interview, click on this MP3 file link

DISCUSSION: Kelly Gotlieb shares his views and insights about the IT skills shortage and blogs

Interview Time Index (MM:SS) and Topic

00:33:  Kelly Gotlieb's comments on the IT skills shortage, how serious is it, and what are the causes.

03:46:  Kelly talks about possible ways to correct this situation.

06:45: Kelly speaks about the long term impact of the skills shortage in terms of affecting our productivity and our global competitiveness.

08:20: Change in skillsets required in today's IT job marketplace...a more balanced versatile set of skills?

09:15: Kelly gives his views on blogs.


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