Careers: Interviews
Keith Harrison-Broninski: Author, Speaker, Entrepreneur, and Enterprise Architect

This week, Stephen Ibaraki has an exclusive interview with Keith Harrison-Broninski.

Keith Harrison-BroninskiKeith Harrison-Broninski is an author, speaker, entrepreneur, and Enterprise Architect. His first book, "Human Interactions" (2005), was described by Information Age as "set to produce the first fundamental advances in personal productivity since the arrival of the spreadsheet". His latest book, "Supercommunities � a handbook for the 21st century" (2021), is described as "prophetic" by the President of the Business Architect Guild.

Mr. Harrison-Broninski's books include:

  • "Human Interactions" (2005, Meghan-Kiffer Press)
  • "In Search of BPM Excellence" (2005, Meghan-Kiffer Press)
  • "Business Process Management Handbook, 1st edition" (2010, Springer)
  • "Social BPM" (2011, Workflow Management Coalition)
  • "How Knowledge Workers Get Things Done" (2012, Workflow Management Coalition)
  • "Empowering Knowledge Workers" (2013, Workflow Management Coalition)
  • "Business Process Management Handbook, 2nd edition" (2014, Springer)
  • "Cosmos and Chaos" (2019, Tambar Arts)
  • "Supercommunities" (2021, Meghan-Kiffer Press)

"Human Interactions" (2005) established the formal theory of collaborative work, Human Interaction Management:

  • "Set to produce the first fundamental advances in personal productivity since the arrival of the spreadsheet" (Information Age)
  • "The breakthrough that changes the rules of business" (Peter Fingar, author of "Business Process Management: The Third Wave")
  • "The overarching framework for 21st century business technology" (BP Trends)
  • "The next logical step in process-based technology" (Chair of the Workflow Management Coalition)

Mr. Harrison-Broninski subsequently used the principles that he established in his book to shape social enterprises for disseminating healthcare innovations at scale and pace, addressing wellness issues holistically, and diverting global capital into local social change, winning awards from the National Health Service and from Gartner.

His latest book "Supercommunities" brings together insights from recent academic research with original ideas about wellness, collaboration, and finance to address the most critical issues facing global society. By 2050, half the planet will be living on a knife edge. Communities cannot afford to wait for cash-strapped governments to address inequality and climate change. But how can they afford to take action themselves?

  • "We will need to replace short-term thinking with long term planning and execution if we are to regain upward motion towards common benefit for everyone on Spaceship Earth. To begin, read this book!" Vint Cerf, Co-Inventor of the Internet
  • "Ranging from ancient history to economics to psychology to public policy 'Supercommunities' is both authoritative and highly readable. It puts our current challenges in context, shows why change is necessary and provides a trove of practical ideas for change makers." Matthew Taylor, Chief Executive, The RSA
  • "An essential read." Andrew Keen, host of KEEN ON podcast
  • "Prophetic." William Ulrich, President of the Business Architect Guild
  • "Truly important" Phaedra Boinodiris, Trust in AI Business Transformation Leader, IBM
  • "The ultimate self-help book for society." Jim Stikeleather, Fmr. Chief Innovation Officer, Dell
  • "Supercommunities is timely and compelling as we look to build back better following the COVID-19 pandemic with resilience 'baked in' to our social and economic order." David Hayward Evans, Senior Advisor, UNICEF

Mr. Harrison-Broninski argues that cities, towns, neighbourhoods, and villages can and must become supercommunities � ecosystems able to sustain their natural, human, and industrial capitals. A supercommunity evolves from within to meet new challenges in times of crisis. It removes friction from collaboration so that local people become stakeholders and local organisations work together effectively. Powered by social trading, a supercommunity leverages progressive economic ideas and digital tools for local wellness.

His book shows how, today, a tiny fraction of global investment is into social impact, but Supercommunities can unlock the true potential of finance by offering investors worldwide the chance to become stakeholders in good things.

Mr. Harrison-Broninski is now working with industry and academic bodies to create a global initiative for widespread adoption of Supercommunities methodology. The associated open-source platform, The Internet of Communities, brings together technology tools originally designed by Mr. Harrison-Broninski for deployment through his social enterprises, extending them into a complete solution for communities to take ownership of their socio-economic, socio-political, and ecological future. For more information, see

Since publication of his first book in 2005, he has given keynotes to business, technical, and academic communities across the world. In 2021 he is scheduled to speak in the UK, Europe, the US, and India. He can be reached through his website,

Mr. Harrison-Broninski is also a classical composer and jazz / folk musician who has released six jazz, classical, and traditional folk albums. Committed to bringing high-level music into a cross-generational community environment, his informal performances in rural locations with stars of the jazz world have been compared favourably to Ronnie Scott's by UK national press.



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