








NPA Pillars of Career Growth - Mentor Interviews

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Within Career Growth, Mentorship is an invaluable supporting pillar for many IT/Networking professionals interested. Many professionals can find someone within their company or local user or industry groups who are willing to take them under their wing, but this collection of NPA member suggested articles and video interviews from experts recognized for their achievements in the IT/Network industry provides a trove of insights and actionable steps to integrate into your own career growth.


Mark Mueller-Eberstein: CEO, COO, Author, Speaker, Mentor, Coach, Strategist
Mark Mueller-Eberstein is founder and CEO of Adgetec, whose mission is to help organizations and their leaders realize value globally. He is a recognized thought leader, author, speaker, mentor and coach. He also advises startups, sometimes hands-on as their COO, on business strategy and IP management. Mark's book, "Agility: Competing and Winning in a Tech-Savvy Marketplace", was written based on his over fifteen years of global experience in the IT industry working with companies and governments to choose, adopt, roll out and measure the impact of new technologies. In his responsibility as the director of deployment and adoption at Microsoft, he was responsible for the customers' value realization and deployment experience of Microsoft's Office and collaboration products, the customer and partner engagement during Microsoft's software development process, and joint research with leading academic institutions on technology adoption and its impact on business results.

Trevor Eddolls: Distinguished author, international authority on mainframes and computing
Trevor Eddolls has worked with mainframes since 1979. He has written and delivered numerous IT-related training courses, and has chaired and been a guest speaker at numerous seminars and Webinars. For many years he was the editorial director for Xephon's highly regarded Update publications, which included CICS Update, MVS Update, DB2 Update, and many others. Trevor has written three books entitled "VM Performance Management", "Introduction to VM", and "ASO: Automated Systems Operations for MVS". In 2004 he set up his own company, iTech-Ed Ltd, which focuses on writing and editing about mainframe computing, as well as offering consultancy, training, and Web design and development. He has also written a number of White Papers and internal documentation for various software vendors. More recently he has been responsible for the production and editing of the Arcati Mainframe Yearbook. He also runs the Virtual IMS Connection Web site - the independently-operated vendor-neutral site run by and for the IMS user community. As well as mainframe expertise, Trevor is a Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor (MOS MI).

Dr. William F. Miller, World Premier Authority and Visionary on Business Strategy, Innovation, Technology, and International Thought Leadership
Dr. William F. Miller has spent about half of his professional life in business and about half in academia. At the Argonne National Laboratory Dr. Miller conducted research in basic atomic physics and in computer science. He and his colleagues began early work in what is now called computational science. He led the computerization of SLAC, and later as Associate Provost for Computing he led the computerization of the Stanford Campus. As Vice President for Research and later as Vice President and Provost, Miller championed the establishment of the Office of Technology Licensing which has become the model for such activities at other universities here and abroad. He actively facilitated the establishment of a number of interdisciplinary programs such as the Human Biology Program, the International Security and Arms Control Program, and the Values Technology and Society Program. In 1978 he negotiated and brought to Stanford the first students from the Peoples Republic of China. In 1968 Dr. Miller also played a role in the founding of the first Mayfield Fund (venture capital) as a special limited partner and advisor to the general partners. As President and CEO of SRI International, Miller opened SRI to the Pacific Region, he established the spin-out and commercialization program at SRI, and established the David Sarnoff Research Center (now the Sarnoff Corporation) as a for-profit subsidiary of SRI. He became the Chairman and CEO of the David Sarnoff Research Center. In 1990 Dr. Miller retired from SRI International and returned to Stanford half time where he taught technology related courses and carried out research on the IT industry and on the characteristics of entrepreneurial regions. He also spent about half of his time working with start-ups and non-profits in Silicon Valley. He helped organize Joint Venture Silicon Valley Network and served on the board of directors for three years. He co-founded and served as Vice Chairman of SmartValley, Inc. Additionally, he aided the formation of CommerceNet and served on the board of directors. Dr. Miller was a founding director and served as Vice Chairman of the Center for Excellence in Non-profits, and was a Founding Member and Chair of the Campaign Cabinet (1992-1994) of the Alexis de Tocqueville Society of Santa Clara. He currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Sentius Corp, Nanostellar, Inc., and Lumiette, Inc. and is a Partner in Actium Ventures(Venture Capital). Dr. Miller co-directs an international research project called the Stanford Program on Regions on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and he co-directs an Executive Education program on Strategic Uses of Information Technology. Additionally, Dr. Miller worked with foreign countries helping them establish their technology policies and practices, notably Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and Korea. He served on the International Panel of the Singapore Science and Technology Board, and currently serves on the International Advisory Panel for the Multimedia Super Corridor in Malaysia.

Graham Watson: Microsoft Senior Manager talks about the importance of influencers, what makes IT communities work, key lessons, and future advanced technology to watch for
Graham Watson is part of the Microsoft team responsible for the relationship between the technical professional community and Microsoft at a global level. He has worked for Microsoft for over seventeen years, starting in the UK as an enterprise infrastructure consultant. In all, he has over 35 years of experience working in the computer industry, beginning as a computer operator on a mainframe computer bigger than a house and probably less powerful than your oven. Although he's done everything from clean tape drives to write device drivers and design global messaging solutions for Fortune 50 organizations, his real passion is working in the technical community to help maximize the value individuals can get out of the professional community, as well as what they can contribute in return.

Jeff Kempiners of Avanade, Top-ranking IT and Business Executive reveals collaboration research results
A seasoned leader, Mr. Kempiners has more than 12 years of experience in IT management and consulting. Mr. Kempiners joined Avanade in August, 2000 as a Solution Architext in the US-Central region. Most recently, he served as Avanade Canada Capability Director for Infrastructure and Application Solutions, and then Chief Technology Officer. Prior to joining Avanade, Mr. Kempiners was employed with Accenture in a variety of roles, including Systems Analyst, Project Manager, and Engagement Manager for large customer accounts in all industries. Avanade has more than 7,200 professionals in 22 countries, including more than 230 in its Canadian business, which has offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Montreal. Recently, the company grew its business by 25%.

Top-ranking Innovator, Executive, Researcher, Thought Leader - Alain Chesnais, newly elected 2010/11 President ACM, founder Visual Transitions, past CTO SceneCaste
Alain Chesnais is the newly elected ACM president. He has more than 25 years of management experience in the software industry, with a focus on 3D technologies and social media. He recently founded Visual Transitions, which specializes in helping companies move to html 5 and expand their online offerings with web presences that fully embrace the possibilities that html 5 offers. Formerly chief technology officer at SceneCaster, he served as director of engineering at Alias|Wavefront on the team that received an Oscar from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences for developing the Maya 3D software package. As a French citizen now residing in Canada, he has made international expansion a priority for ACM during his term, with an emphasis on changes to the chapters program designed to increase ACM's worldwide presence. He is a compulsive volunteer especially when it comes to helping promote the activities of the ACM and truly wants to share his passion for everything that the ACM does. He hopes that people who listen to this podcast will feel the passion that drives him and be moved to become active members of the ACM to help make a difference in the field of computer science.

Chris Harrison: Editor-in-Chief of the tech-savvy magazine ACM XRDS, Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellow talks about ongoing research to find creative interaction techniques and input technologies
Chris Harrison is a Ph.D. student in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon University. He is also the Editor-in-Chief of ACM XRDS and a Microsoft Research Ph.D. Fellow. His research focuses on novel interaction techniques and input technologies - especially those that enable (small) mobile devices to appropriate (large) everyday surfaces for input in unconventional ways. Over the past four years, Chris has worked on several projects in the area of social computing and input methods at IBM Research, AT&T Labs, Microsoft Research, and most recently, Disney Imagineering.

Michael Wrinn: Intel Manager - challenges in parallel computing, insights on disruptive innovation
Michael Wrinn manages Intel's Innovative Software Education team, which collaborates with universities to bring parallel computing to the mainstream of undergraduate education. He also works with the ACM Education Council to bring industrial perspective to curriculum evolution. Prior Intel roles include managing Intel's software engineering lab in Shanghai, and directing research on human interface technology. He was Intel's representative for the original OpenMP specification, and remains active in the parallel computing community. Before joining Intel, Michael worked at Accelrys, implementing commercial and research simulation codes on a wide variety of parallel/HPC systems. He holds a B.Sc. and Ph.D. (in quantum mechanics) from McGill University.

Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, "The" Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing - Kelly talks about his remarkable family
This week, Stephen Ibaraki, FCIPS, I.S.P. continues his exclusive interviews with computing pioneer, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD.D. (University of Toronto), D. Math. (Hon., University of Waterloo), D. Eng. (Hon., Technical University of Nova Scotia), Fellow CIPS (FCIPS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. Kelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). Today Kelly talks about his remarkable family.

Adam Cole: Internationally Awarded Technology Executive and Serial Innovator speaks on entrepreneurship, global industry contribution and volunteerism, keys to continuing innovation, software development, project management, process innovation, relationship management, consulting, teaching, writing, graduate education, healthcare trends/challenges
For over fifteen years Adam Cole has been an executive, senior manager and advisor to some of the world's most exciting companies. Cole started his own successful IT consultancy out of university and quickly grew it to over fifteen employees based solely on word-of-mouth. Cole's projects have won international awards including a ComputerWorld Smithsonian Honors Laureate (via a nomination by Michael Cappellas, President of Compaq Global), first place in the annual Kinetic Process Innovation Awards, and awards in innovation, financial contribution, and customer service (Cole's department scored 100% on the Customer Satisfaction Survey, a first in McKesson history, the world's largest healthcare company). Currently, as Vice President of Information Technology at CCTN (Canadian Clinical Trial Network), Adam is thrilled to play an integral role in building a world-class research oriented business from the ground up. Mr. Cole's articles regularly appear in Microsoft's Canadian IT Managers forum, in industry specific publications, and Cole has been an invited presenter to IDC and Microsoft hosted conferences, as well as having project appearances in the mainstream media including the Toronto Star and primetime Global TV.

Esteemed Executive, Scientist, Engineer, Educator; Dr. Art Pyster Distinguished Research Professor Stevens Institute; Deputy Executive Director SERC, Department of Defense; Fellow and 2008/9 Chairman Corporate Advisory Board INCOSE
Dr. Art Pyster is a Distinguished Research Professor in the School of Systems and Enterprises at Stevens Institute of Technology, and the Deputy Executive Director of the Systems Engineering Research Center (SERC). In a career spanning almost 35 years, Art has held many roles, including educator, researcher, manager, systems engineer, executive, scientist, and programmer. Today, Art spends most of his time operating the SERC at Stevens Institute on behalf of the U.S. Department of Defense. The SERC is a university affiliated research center serving as the primary engine for systems engineering research for the Department of Defense. Its diverse research portfolio ranges from rethinking how to specify what systems must do, to defining what the next generation of chief systems engineers should know, to discovering how to secure system enterprises. Art's career includes overseeing more than $10 billion in capital investment, managing more than $40 million in systems and software engineering research, directing the creation of three Capability Maturity Models for process improvement, delivering commercial telecommunications systems with extremely low defects, and managing training programs for thousands of engineers and managers. His professional and research activities emphasize systems and software engineering, especially the integration of those two disciplines and their application to enterprise operations.

Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, "the" Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing - Kelly talks about his work as Co-Chair of the ACM Awards Committee
Kelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer, whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream, and profession. His contributions are so profound and their impact so diverse and in so many areas that the lasting value cannot be comprehended. Have a look at this blog to find out more.

ACM-Infosys Foundation Award Recipient, Eric Brewer: WEF Global Leader for Tomorrow, Industry Standard Most Influential Person, InfoWorld Top 10 Innovators, Technology Review TR100, Forbes' 12 "e-mavericks, elected member National Academy of Engineering
Dr. Brewer focuses on all aspects of Internet-based systems, including technology, strategy, and government. As a researcher, he has led projects on scalable servers, search engines, network infrastructure, sensor networks, and security. His current focus is (high) technology for developing regions, with projects in India, Ghana, and Uganda among others, and including communications, health care, education, and e-government. In 1996, he co-founded Inktomi Corporation with a Berkeley grad student based on their research prototype, and helped lead it onto the NASDAQ 100 before it was bought by Yahoo! in March 2003. In 2000, he founded the Federal Search Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization focused on improving consumer access to government information. Working with President Clinton, Dr. Brewer helped to create, the official portal of the Federal government, which launched in September 2000. He was recently elected to the National Academy of Engineering for leading the development of scalable servers (early cloud computing), and also received the ACM Mark Weiser award for 2009.

ACM Turing Award Recipient-Microsoft Research, Charles Thacker: Legendary computing pioneer, world-renowned distinguished researcher, inventor, and engineer
Chuck Thacker joined the University of California at Berkeley's project Genie in 1968. This project had constructed one of the most successful early timesharing computers, the SDS 940, and was planning a follow-on system when he joined the project. The project became the Berkeley Computer Corporation, which developed the BCC 500 timesharing system. Here, he led the group designing the system's central memory and microprocessor. Although not a commercial success, BCC supplied the core group of technologists for the newly-formed Computer Science Laboratory at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), which he joined in 1970. During his thirteen years at PARC, Chuck led the hardware development of most of the innovative systems that were developed at CSL. He was the project leader of the MAXC timesharing system, a PDP-10-equivalent that was one of the first systems to make use of semiconductor memory. He was the chief designer of the Alto, the first personal computer to use a bit-mapped display and mouse to provide a windowed user interface. He is a co-inventor of the Ethernet local area network, and contributed to many other projects, including the first laser printer and the Dorado, a high-performance ECL-technology personal workstation. He also designed and implemented the SIL CAD system, which was used by most PARC hardware designers throughout the '70s. In the early '80s, he was architext of the Dragon, a multiprocessor system that employed the first "snooping" cache. In 1983, Chuck was a founder of the Digital Equipment Corporation's Systems Research Center. Here he led the hardware development of the Firefly, the first multiprocessor workstation, and the Alpha Demonstration Unit, the first Alpha-architexture multiprocessor. Chuck has also worked extensively in computer networking. He led the development of AN1, a local area network that used active switches and 100 Megabit-per-second point-to-point links to provide high aggregate performance. The follow-on project, AN2, also developed by his team, became the DEC Gigaswitch/ATM product. He joined Microsoft in 1997 to help establish the company's Cambridge, England laboratory. After returning to the U.S. in 1999, he joined the newly-formed Tablet PC group and managed the design of the first prototypes of this new device. He then worked on a project to make computing more pervasive and effective in K-12 education. He is currently setting up a group at Microsoft Research in Silicon Valley to do computer architexture research

Distinguished Scientist, Educator, Author, Artist, Leader, Activist; Dr. Netiva Caftori shares her insights into computing, education, the global condition, the future of technology, and career and life lessons
Dr. Caftori, Professor of Computer Science and Woman's Studies has a long career as an activist and leader. Dr. Caftori has written or contributed significantly to 8 books ranging from highly technical to highly personal. She has developed about 40 major papers and presentations for journals and conferences, as well as designed and taught at a university level many courses during her tenure at NEIU. She has served in many roles including: Guest editor on Women in IT for Computer Society of India (CSI) Communications, Board Member of CPSR (Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility), Member of ACM Professional Development committee, Fulbright Scholar to Benin National University in Benin, Africa, Editor on Bell News Letter Editorial Board, Reviewer for Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering and other journals, Doctoral Thesis Discussant for numerous ACM Sigs, Cable Commissioner for City of Skokie.

Don Berk, Top International Communications Consultant and Speaker Coach-tips on speaking, stage fright, graphics and media, collaborative style, QA plus career lessons
Don Berk is a communications consultant with an outstanding track record lecturing, coaching, writing, consulting, and implementing spoken, graphic, and multimedia communication strategies. Don honed his skills as founder, writer, producer, and director of his own video production companies in New York and Connecticut, where he created videos for such companies as IBM, GE, the Red Cross, Deloitte & Touche, Young & Rubicam, PaineWebber, Procter & Gamble, Amgen, Centocor, and the US Army, among others. The common thread in all these videos was the engaging on-camera performances of each company's spokespersons. He refined his coaching skills during seven years as creative director at Gartner, the world's leading IT research and advisory firm, and during more recent stints directing communications for Bristol-Myers Squibb and Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. Don currently consults with a variety of companies.

Top Scientist; Dr. Doug Terry, Principal Researcher Microsoft Research Silicon Valley, past Chief Scientist CSL Xerox PARC, Adjunct Professor Berkeley, ACM Fellow-shares his deep insights into distributed systems, mobile computing, the Cloud, managing data plus research and career lessons
Doug Terry is a Principal Researcher in the Microsoft Research Silicon Valley lab. His research focuses on the design and implementation of novel distributed systems and addresses issues such as information management, fault-tolerance, and mobility. He is currently leading a research project on Community Information Management that is developing a platform for sharing data within weakly connected communities of people using cloud-based storage and mobile devices. He also serves as Chair of ACM's Special Interest Group on Operating Systems (SIGOPS). Prior to joining Microsoft, Doug was the co-founder and CTO of a start-up company named Cogenia, Chief Scientist of the Computer Science Laboratory at Xerox PARC, and an Adjunct Professor in the Computer Science Division at U. C. Berkeley, where he regularly teaches a graduate course on distributed systems. Doug has a Ph.D. in Computer Science from U. C. Berkeley and was named an ACM Fellow.

Leading International Authority and Scientist, Dr. Stephen Seidman, Dean Texas State University, CSAB President talks about software engineering, the computing profession, professionalism and certification, and computing education
Stephen B. Seidman is Dean of the College of Science at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX. Dr. Seidman has an active interest in computing education and professionalism. He played a leading role in the development of an international standard for software engineering certification, and he has worked with the IP3 effort to develop a program to accredit computing societies certify information technology professionals. Dr. Seidman is a long-term IEEE Computer Society volunteer. He has been a member of the IEEE-CS Board of Governors and the IEEE-CS Executive Committee. He has served the Computer Society as Secretary, Treasurer and Vice-President for Educational Activities. Dr. Seidman has been a member of the CSAB (US computing accreditation) board since 2006; he is currently (2009-11) serving as CSAB president.

Distinguished Executive, Scientist, Engineer; Dr. Kishore Swaminathan, Chief Scientist Accenture shares his insights into the global overall trends, business needs and strategy, the future of technology, skill needs, and career lessons
As the chief scientist of Accenture, Dr. Kishore Swaminathan defines Accenture's Technology Vision and helps set Accenture's technology and research agenda. He also directly heads Accenture's Systems Integration research located in Chicago (US), Silicon Valley, California (US), Sophia Antipolis (France) and Bangalore (India). In 2001, Swaminathan took a one-year leave of absence from Accenture to launch Artsonia, an online children's art museum that now displays over a million pieces of art from children in more than 100 countries. Creativity and innovation will be recurring themes in Swaminathan's role as the chief scientist of Accenture. "For any company, innovation comes from a systemic mind-set that embraces and nurtures creative ideas. Creativity does not necessarily result in innovation, but there's no innovation without creativity." As a result, Swaminathan wants to identify creative people from all levels of the company and set up mentorship programs to nurture and develop their ideas, in addition to several other ambitious plans.

Barb Anderson Intuit's Group Manager, talks about small business needs
Barb Anderson is Intuit's Group Sales and Marketing Manager, Global Small Business. In this role, Barb is responsible for developing strategic marketing plans and delivering customer-focused communication to support Intuit's portfolio of small business products and services, including QuickBooks®, the QuickBooks ProAdvisor Program and QuickTax Business Software. Intuit has been the top software company on Fortune's list of "America's Most Admired Companies" for four consecutive years

Kelly Knister, VP Skills Canada BC, Director CEA, Careers Coordinator talks about needed partnerships, apprenticeships, skills, transition and educational relevance
Kelly Knister (MA, BEd., Diploma of Technology, TQs Welding) is the Coordinator for the South Island Partnership. The South Island Partnership is a partnership between five South Vancouver Island School Districts: 61 Victoria, 62 Sooke, 63 Saanich, 64 Gulf Islands and 79 Cowichan Valley and Camosun College. She works on behalf of the partnership to support the goal of smooth transition of secondary school students to post secondary education and/or the workplace. The goal of the South Island Partnership is to expand program and course offerings into the technology sector. Kelly Knister began her career as a journeyman welder and worked in all types of environments and learned a great deal about working with people and problem solving. She completed a Diploma of Technology at BCIT and the Bachelor of Education at UBC. She became one of seven female technology education teachers in the province of BC at that time. Kelly began an informal apprenticeship with government as a Coordinator with the BC Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Advanced Education. She later transitioned into the South Island Partnership Coordinator role and has been building programs and relationships ever since.

Richard LaBerge, Executive VP, CMO, talks about 3-D technology
Mr. Richard LaBerge is Vice-President and Chief Commercial Officer at SENSIO®. SENSIO® develops and markets Stereoscopic 3D digital compression, decompression and display formatting technologies. Richard is in charge of the company's commercial development. He has more than 15 years of experience in the banking industry. At Mouvement Desjardins, he was a Consultant in Marketing Strategy helping developing financing tools adapted to technology companies. He was also Executive VP of SAJE, a Montreal-based non-profit incubation group. He began his career as a computer programmer in Australia and Montreal.

Dr. Jan Cuny: National Science Foundation (NSF) Program Officer, Award-winning Research Scientist shares her insights into increasing participation and attracting diversity into computing and STEM disciplines
Since 2004, Jan Cuny has been a Program Officer at the National Science Foundation, heading the Broadening Participation in Computing Initiative and the CS 10K Project. Before coming to NSF, she was a faculty member in Computer Science at Purdue University, the University of Massachusetts, and the University of Oregon. Jan has been involved in efforts to increase the participation of women in computing research for many years. She was a long time member of the Computing Research Association's Committee on the Status of Women (CRA-W), serving among other activities as a CRA-W co-chair, a mentor in their Distributed Mentoring Program, and a lead on their Academic Career Mentoring Workshop, Grad Cohort, and Cohort for Associated Professors projects. She was also a member of the Advisory Board for Anita Borg Institute for Woman and Technology, the Leadership team of the National Center for Women in Technology, and the Executive Committee of the Coalition to Diversify Computing. She was Program Chair of the 2004 Grace Hopper Conference and the General Chair of the 2006 conference.

Lynette Wallach: IT Leader, Senior Analyst Shares her best practices in Health Care IT
Lynette Wallach started her IT career at Vancouver Coastal Health as a co-op student in early 2000. Since then she has provided technical, process and general knowledge of complex health care systems working on such projects as email migration, Novell migration, Patient Care Information System rollout, and regional login. She has worked with the Vancouver Acute Desktop support team which is responsible for the integrity and reliability of over 5000 desktop computers for acute care and business professionals. She is a source for knowledge of the clinical and technical systems, the environment, and the people who work at Vancouver Coastal Health. Always striving to find efficiencies in the health care system, she is a strong advocate for collaboration and building relationships between people and departments.

Professor Andrew McGettrick, Pre-eminent Educator and Scientist, shares his views on education and the broader computing challenges
Professor Andrew McGettrick is currently Head of the Computer Science Department at Strathclyde. He studied Pure Mathematics at the University of Glasgow where he obtained his BSc (1st class) degree. He obtained a PhD in Pure Mathematics (number theory). He later obtained the Diploma in Computer Science (with distinction). His research interests include software engineering, in particular formal methods in support of safety critical systems and use of computers in support of teaching and learning and quality issues in higher education. Memberships and other involvements include Chair of ACM Education Board and Education Council, Vice-President (Qualifications and Standards) BCS , Computer Science series editor for Taylor and Francis, Member of UK Engineering Council, Member of UK Science Council, Chair of Committee producing UK Computing Benchmarking Reports.

Thought Leadership Series with Microsoft Director John Oxley: Leading Multi-Award Winning International Technology Authority and Executive; John talks about the drivers for strong leadership plus shares his top career tips and lessons.
John Oxley is a multiple-award winning Director of Technical Audience Marketing and ICT Evangelism at Microsoft Canada. In this role, John leads and manages a team of Technical Audience Marketing Managers and Senior Technical Advisors that reach out and connect across the ICT industry. Business success, as his mandate, is measured by the technical professional's satisfaction and platform adoption. His team of select Evangelists, Advisors and Marketing Managers are Microsoft Canada's ambassadors to the ICT community; connecting, supporting and enabling the technical professional and industry. From Academia and across the Industry, his team focuses on driving industry awareness, education, training and adoption of Microsoft solutions through events, industry/community involvement and direct engagement. His globally No. 1 ranked team of Advisors and Marketing managers work exclusively in reaching out to diverse communities leveraging social media, community connections and more.

Rohit Talwar: Award-winning Global Top 10 Futurist, Strategic Thinker, Entrepreneur - shares his extensive insights into future trends and how to leverage them
Rohit Talwar is an award winning futurist speaker, entrepreneur, specialist advisor and strategic change agent and the founder of the research and consultancy organization Fast Future. He was profiled as one of the top ten global future thinkers by the UK’s Independent newspaper. He spends his time traveling the world, researching the ideas that will shape the future and meeting the people and organizations behind them. Rohit has spoken to audiences of leaders around the world. His book Designing Your Future was published in August 2008 ( His next book FutureTweet 2012 will be published in the spring of 2010. His study for the Uk government on future directions in science and technology and the implications for 'The shape of jobs' to come was published in January 2010. He is currently in high demand for his inspirational speeches on Global Trends, Innovation, Winning in a Downturn and Future Focused Leadership. He has consulted with leading corporations, associations and government agencies globally on scenario planning, development of future strategy, and driving innovation and change. He also has a particular interest in the evolution of China, India, their emerging economies and the future of associations, travel, tourism, meetings and events. Rohit partnered with ASAE & The Center on the Association of the Future research program - the first output of which was the book Designing Your Future. He has also led a major study on the Future of Travel and Tourism in the Middle East and on the mega-real estate developments across the region. Rohit has also completed major global studies on the Future of China's Economy - The Path to 2020 - and is working on scenarios for 2030 and the implications for global migration.

London School of Economics (LSE) Alumni and world leader Alex Lin shares his deep insights into his participation at the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the global leaders summit in New York, how he built the world's largest sales channel for Intel, founded the world's largest online professional business media and service, and his thoughtful discussions with world leaders.
Alex Lin Yong Qing is the leading international business and information technology authority, founder and CEO of, the world's largest top-ranked online business media, professional social networking service, and business marketplace intelligence service. Alex brings an extensive history of accomplishment and successes to his many ventures. Previously in China, over a period of seven years as Intel's senior executive, he built and then managed the world's largest IT sales channel. Moreover, as Deputy General Manager and VP of Marketing, he supported the growth of the "TOP 3" PC maker in China, TsingHua TongFang Computer Ltd. Alex was the first MBA (XiaMen University) with Intel (China), and the first global EMBA in China from the prestigious TRIUM program jointly sponsored by the London School of Economics and Political Science, New York University Stern School of Business, and the HEC School of Management Paris (, Ranked No.2 amongst Global EMBA programs by the Financial Times). Alex is a special advisor to MII (Ministry of Information Industry), which controls the IT industry in China. He also advises CIW, and CCID, the two major official outlets. CCID manages the only official IT research group in China. In late 2009, the London School of Economics (LSE) profiled Alex in "Blazing Trails", due to his unique success as an entrepreneur and visionary innovator transforming the world.

Dr. Joseph Turner, Internationally Awarded Authority in Computer Science and Education, Fellow ACM/ABET/CSAB, Chair of the Seoul Accord, Vice-President and Chair of the Publications Committee of IFIP, Chair of the Accreditation Council Training Committee for ABET, and Team Chair for ABET Computing Accreditation Evaluations
Dr. Joseph Turner currently serves as Chair of the Seoul Accord, an international organization for the mutual recognition of accreditation agencies for computing programs. His current activities also include serving as a Vice-President and Chair of the Publications Committee of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing), Chair of the Accreditation Council Training Committee for ABET (the US accrediting agency for programs in applied science, computing, engineering, and engineering technology), and Team Chair for ABET computing accreditation evaluations. He has previously served as Vice-President of the ACM, President of the Computing Sciences Accreditation Board (CSAB), Chairman of the ACM Education Board, and as a member of the Boards of Directors of the Computing Research Association, the National Educational Computing Association, and the Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors. He has served more than 20 times as a consultant and on evaluation teams for computer science programs at the undergraduate, masters, and doctoral levels both for individual institutions and for state agencies, and has chaired more than 25 accreditation evaluation teams.

Dr. Elizabeth Hawthorne: Leading Top Educator, Professor, and Computing Professional; Chair ACM Two-year College Education Committee shares her valued insights into Security, the Semantic Web, education and online learning, skills and careers
Dr. Hawthorne is a Senior Professor of Computer Science at Union County College in Cranford, NJ and serves as Chair of the Association for Computing Machinery's Two-Year College Education Committee ( In her role as Chair of the ACM TYCEC, she also serves as the principal investigator for a National Science Foundation grant, Strategic Summit on the Computing Education Challenges facing America's Community Colleges. She is a member of several ACM Special Interest Groups including SIGCSE, SIGCAS, SIGITE, and SIGSAC as well as the IEEE Computer Society, where she is listed in the annual Women in Engineering Directory. Dr. Hawthorne writes a semi-annual column, Community College Corner, for ACM Inroads. She co-authored a white paper entitled, Cybersecurity Education in Community Colleges Across America: a Survey of Four Approaches by Five Institutions (2002) that is published in Protexting Information: The Role of Community Colleges in Cybersecurity Education, a joint workshop sponsored by the National Science Foundation and the American Association for Community Colleges. She has made numerous presentations at regional, national and international conferences; her research pursuits include the scholarship of teaching and learning in both the physical and virtual classrooms as well as creating online communities of practice for computing educators.

Dr. Lecia Barker: Senior Research Scientist for the National Center for Women & IT, Leading Educator, and Top Thought Leader Shares her insights into unconscious bias, attracting diversity into computing, maximizing educational environments and technologies and much more
Dr. Lecia Barker is a Research Associate Professor in the School of Information at the University of Texas in Austin and a Senior Research Scientist for the National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT). Barker's research and evaluation studies fall in two areas: (1) Attracting, retaining and advancing groups under-represented in professional computing and science careers, both industry and academic; these studies focus on social climate, identity/belonging, faculty adoption of alternative teaching and curricular practices and sustainable organizational change and (2) Educational technologies from the viewpoint of learning outcomes and user studies; these studies focus on how situational factors influence use and usefulness of the technologies.

Doug Ingersoll: Leading International Executive with Pearson Certification and Cisco Press shares his deep insights into certification, social media, and publishing technology
Doug Ingersoll has been the Executive Marketing Manager for Cisco Press and Pearson Certification for almost a decade. In his role he champions learning titles on exams both for the IT and professional certifications markets, as well as networking topics like security, virtualization, IP communications, and system administration. With coverage from entry level (CompTIA A+) to advanced (CCIE), as well as seemingly off-beat subjects like finance, human resources, and nursing, Doug speaks to a varied set of audiences and career levels. Doug has a B.A. from DePauw University, and an M.B.A. from Indiana University, and is also a published author.

Dr. Maggie Johnson: Distinguished Researcher, Educator, Executive, and Top Thought Leader shares her insights into trends, IT benchmarking, computing education, teaching, and corporate training
Maggie Johnson is a Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at Stanford University, and Director of Education and University Relations for Google. Her extensive past and present roles include: Assistant Chair, Director of Educational Affairs & Undergraduate Studies, Stanford Computer Science 2003-2006; Software Litigation / Expert Witness; Executive Vice President and Director of Research for Metricnet (1999-2004); Member, ACM Education Board and Council; Member, ACM Professional Development Board; Member of Governing Board, NSF NSDL Computing Pathway; Member, Advisory Board of UCCP (University of California College Prep).

Leon Strous, Senior IT Auditor DNB (Netherlands Central Bank); President 2010-2013 International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP)
Leon Strous started his career in metal and plastics processing and then went onto eight years with the sales organisation of Philips Electronics in the Netherlands. His focus areas were administration, internal control and information security. Since 1993, Leon has been with the De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), which is the central (or national) bank of the Netherlands, in different positions as IT auditor in the internal audit department and as overseer in the oversight department of the cash and payments division, focusing on the security of payment systems. His work also links to the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). Currently his main jobs are advancing business continuity and crisis management arrangements with the key players in the payments and securities clearing and settlement processes in the financial sector in the Netherlands, and liaising between the financial sector and the government concerning critical infrastructure protextion programs. Leon is a member of a number of professional societies and has been active in many different positions in the Dutch Computer Society (NGI) since 1988, including member of the Board for five years, and in the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) since 1994, including a vice-presidency and in August 2009, he was honourably elected as president for the 2010-2013 term.

Nick Corcodilos: Top Management Authority, Author, Writer, Speaker, and Headhunter
Nick Corcodilos is the host of Ask The Headhunter and author of How to Work with Headhunters (2009). Nick started headhunting in 1979 in one of America's most competitive job markets: California's Silicon Valley. Using the methods described in his book and on the ATH blog, he has helped people win management and staff jobs in companies including IBM, GE, Hewlett-Packard and Merrill Lynch. President of North Bridge Group, Inc., Nick Corcodilos has been retained by companies including AT&T, Merrill Lynch, Becton Dickinson, and Procter & Gamble to teach managers to recruit and hire more effectively, and to help groom employees for promotions and career transition. Companies using his books as a hiring tool include Disney, Marriott, Microsoft, Merrill Lynch and the U.S. Government.

Blaine Bey: Industry Leading Analyst & Senior Consultant Sierra Systems, President CIPS BC--Talks about IT Best Practices and Tips for Life Success
Blaine Bey is a senior consultant with Sierra Systems in Victoria. ( He has 29 years of experience in the analysis, design, development and implementation of financial systems including most major ERP applications. Blaine is an active proponent of IT professionalism in Canada. He is President, Canadian Information Processing Society of BC (2009).

Dr. Mathai Joseph: Internationally Renowned Executive, Researcher, Technology Advisor, Distinguished Computer Scientist shares his deep insights into computing, research, careers, trends, roles, life lessons and experiences, and much more
Dr. Mathai Joseph is currently an Advisor to Tata Consultancy Services with whom he was Executive Director of Tata Research Development and Design Center in Pune, India until 2007. From 1985-1997 he held a Chair of Computer Science at the University of Warwick. Prior to that he as a senior research scientist at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India. He has been a Visiting Professor at Carnegie-Mellon University, Eindhoven University of Technology, University of Warwick and University of York (U.K.).For more see Dr. Mathai Joseph's Profile for a list of Publications and a full BYWAYS profile.

Thought Leadership Series with Microsoft Director John Oxley: Leading Multi-Award Winning International Technology Authority and Executive; John talks about growing a strong and capable ICT workforce plus shares his top career tips and lessons
John Oxley is a multiple-award winning, Director of Technical Audience Marketing and ICT Evangelism at Microsoft Canada. In this role, John leads and manages a team of Technical Audience Marketing Managers and Senior Technical Advisors that reach out and connect across the ICT industry. In addition, John created the IT Manager Connection blog in 2006 which in one year was ranked in the top 10% of TechNet blog properties worldwide. John and his talented top-ranked team led the development of the very successful Energize IT Conferences; was the creative inspiration behind the online and interactive national Academic forums bringing in faculty and academic leaders, and the very successful Ignite Your Career series plus TechDays Conferences running across the country. In addition, John has been a key participant and invited international advisor in enabling the UN-founded, IFIP International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), receiving full support and ratification for implementation [in conjunction with Microsoft] at the IFIP World General Assembly in August 2007.

Elisabeth Vanderveldt & Genevieve L'Esperance: International Technology Leaders share their vision for collaboration, driving passion in IT for all ages, enabling young women into IT
Elisabeth Vanderveldt is co-founder of multi-award winning Conamex International, a Microsoft Gold Certified Excellence and SBSC partner in Montreal, Canada. Her firm specializes in collaboration, mobility, data management, asset management (SAM), infrastructure and security technologies. Elisabeth, a 24 year veteran of the IT industry, is a Microsoft SBSC PAL 2007-2009, an MVP 2007-2009 and is founder of WIL&T (Women in Leadership and Technology) as well as founder of Community and Corporate Citizenship on the international board of the IAMCP. Elisabeth is an MCTS for WSS, MOSS, Groove and SAM. Elisabeth brings her creative thinking and knowledge of the IT sector and its most engaging personalities and experts to a new portal, GenINC.TV currently in pre-production. She will also act as technical advisor.

Genevieve L'Esperance (ACTRA and UDA apprentice) is a 16 year old, born in Montreal, Quebec. Her passion for Gen INC. stemmed from a discussion about technology among her peers which showed her that girls are just not aware of the power and breadth of technology and the impact it can make on exciting career choices - as well as helping girls (and boys) in underprivileged communities to change their lives and that of future generations. This led to her certification at age 15 as a Microsoft Certified Professional and a MCTS (Certified Technical Specialist) at 16. Gen will host her own series and web portal to bring the discussion to the larger community and garner support for awareness and changes both locally and internationally.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Distinguished, Celebrated, World-Renowned Computer Scientist, President of HMC, Board Director Microsoft Corp, past Dean of Engineering/Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University, former VP and Dean of Science at UBC in Canada
Harvey Mudd College is led by Maria Klawe, HMC's fifth president who began her tenure in 2006. A renowned computer scientist and scholar, President Klawe is the first woman to lead the college since its founding in 1955. Prior to joining HMC, she served as Dean of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. During her time at Princeton, Maria led the School of Engineering and Applied Science through a strategic planning exercise that created an exciting and widely embraced vision for the school. Maria has made significant research contributions in several areas of mathematics and computer science including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, gender issues in information technology, and interactive-multimedia for mathematics education. Her current research focuses on the development and use of multi-modal applications to assist people with aphasia and other cognitive impairments.

Eileen Brown: Leading International Technology Authority and Executive; Eileen shares her top career tips and expertise on social media, online branding, Web 2.0, top trends, valuable resources, technology tips, best practices to engage with customers
Eileen Brown now spends her time on projects to inspire people, working as Director at Amastra. Amastra is a company which helps you achieve your aspirations, become a better speaker, deliver powerful presentations, and create energised teams in a dynamic workplace. She helps companies extend their social media reach and engage better with their customers using new technologies. Eileen is an accomplished and well-known international speaker and expert on Social Media, Online Branding, Web 2.0, Unified Communications, Systems Architexture. She explores the art of the possible, looking at how technology is changing the world we live in and seeing ways to simplify work and make you more productive.

Greg Lane, Global Top-Ranking Executive, International Thought Leader, Chairman CIPS, Chairman IP3, Director Avanade
Greg Lane I.S.P., ITCP, IP3P, MBA, is the current Chair of the Canadian Council of Information Technology Professionals (CCITP) of the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) and Chair of the CIPS Office of the Executive Council. In 2009, Greg was appointed Chair of the International Professional Practice Partnership (IP3), a global initiative under the UNESCO-founded International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) to lead the development of a global IT profession. In these capacities, Greg is spokesperson on Information Technology (IT) issues related to the profession and the industry on both a national and global stage. Greg also works closely with government, employers and academia to create awareness and a better understanding about the importance of professional standards in the IT sector. Greg is currently employed with Avanade as the Director, Business Development Public Service for Canada. Greg has also held senior leadership roles at Microsoft, Deloitte Consulting, Bell Canada and EDS.

Moira de Roche: Global Innovator, Visionary Thought Leader, and Top-performing Executive; GM Laragh Skills, Chairman Career Planet, IFIP IP3 Director, Past President Computer Society South Africa
Moira de Roche is General Manager and Director with Laragh Skills, distributors for SkillSoft, the world's largest e-Learning company. Laragh Skills works to the same business model as SkillSoft; providing not only training software, but the resources to help ensure return on investment. Moira firmly believes that a blended learning programme is the only way to encourage and ensure lifelong learning. Moira is immediate past President of the Computer Society of South Africa, a position she held for 4 years. She is a trustee of the South African Computer Olympiad. She is currently Chairman of the Board of Career Planet, a not-for-profit dedicated to bringing career information to learners from disadvantaged communities. Moira has also served on the IP3 (International Professional Practice Partnership) Task Force, which was founded at the beginning of 2007 by the International Federation of Information Professionals to further the aims of professionalism in the industry on an international scale.

Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing - Kelly talks about the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair
Stephen continues his chats with computing pioneer, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD. (University of Toronto), D. Math. (Hon., University of Waterloo), D. Eng. (Hon., Technical University of Nova Scotia), Fellow CIPS (FCIPS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. Kelly talks about the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. Kelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream and profession.

Barry Sellers: Distinguished Fellow, International Technology and Professionalism Top-Authority, Chair CNP Council, Chief Judge International Awards for Professionalism, Executive Board Director and Vice-Chairman NPA
Barry Sellers has served as a member of the NPA Board of Directors and other senior positions since the early 90s' for the Network Professional Association (NPA) and most recently as Treasurer/CFO. During his tenure, he has championed, revamped, documented and implemented the NPA Certified Network Professional Certification or CNP and is currently working on the Associate Certified Network Professional Certification (ACNP) that focuses on professionalism and ethics, which will be a requirement for the Certified Network Professional Certification. He has held all of the officer positions on the Board of Directors including Chairman over that time. He was awarded the Distinguished Fellow of the Network Professional Association (DFNPA) in 2005. Barry also serves as Treasurer on the NORAM Board for the Global IT Community Association.

David Maxfield, Bestselling Business Author in Leadership, Influence, and Communication
Currently, David is the vice president of research at VitalSmarts, an innovative corporate training company that teaches skills which deliver significant improvements to the results companies care about most. Named the 2008 Business of the Year by The Association of Learning Providers, VitalSmarts has also been ranked four times by Inc. magazine as one of the fastest growing companies in America and has taught two million people worldwide. As vice president of research, David has led a series of research projects on a variety of subjects including the role crucial conversations play in the healthcare industry, and how the ongoing failure rate within enterprise projects is consistently linked to the avoidance of a few key crucial conversations. David has also led research projects about diversity, leadership, and influence. David is the co-author of The New York Times bestseller Influencer: The Power to Change Anything. A respected academic, David has taught at Stanford University and the Marriott School of Management at Brigham Young University.

Lynn Langit: Renowned Developer, Visionary Executive, Best-selling Author, Top International Solutions Architext, Microsoft Redmond
A self-described language geek, Lynn is fascinated by languages and semantics. She understands that life rarely travels in a straight line, and her own career reflects this winding path. Lynn moved from a degree in linguistics to become a business executive, and then launched her own software development, training and consulting company. She's done production work with all versions of .NET, BizTalk, K2.Net, SharePoint, SQL Server, Analysis Services, InfoPath, MOM, and Active Directory, and holds an array of certifications, including MCT, MCSD, MCITP, MCSE, MCDBA and MSF. Lynn is also the author of Foundations of SQL Server 2005 Business Intelligence from Apress.

Jeff Anders, International Innovation Leader and Strategist, co-founder and CEO of The Mark: Shares his ideas on Job Lessons, the Recession, Innovation, Business, Technology
Jeff Anders is the co-founder and CEO of The Mark. He has a decade of experience innovating in companies and international organizations. He worked for five years at Mercer Oliver Wyman as a strategy consultant to executives of Fortune 1000 companies. Later, as an independent consultant, he was retained by Hewlett Packard in India to help launch a team of local PhDs to perform marketing analytics for Western clients. Subsequently, he worked with a software provider in Beijing to raise capital and plan its international expansion. His first international engagement was with an NGO in Kosovo doing economic development.

Joanne Wong: International Technology Leader, Networking Academy Manager for Canada
Joanne Wong is the Networking Academy Manager for Canada. The Cisco Networking Academy is a comprehensive e-learning program that enables students to develop valuable information and communication technology skills for increased access to opportunities in the global economy. Joanne collaborates with leaders in education, government, and business to help them understand the importance of programs like the Cisco Networking Academy in helping Canada to sustain economic competitiveness and innovation. In addition, Joanne supports secondary, post-secondary, and nonprofit organizations to ensure successful implementation of the Cisco Networking Academy.

Pieter Botman: Leading International Consultant and Authority in Software Engineering, Systems Integration, Quality Assurance
Pieter Botman is an independent consultant based in Vancouver, Canada, with over twenty five years of experience in software engineering, systems integration, and quality assurance. During his career, Pieter has delivered complex system solutions in various domains including aviation, banking, telecommunications and image processing, and has worked with organizations such as Bell Canada, Digital Equipment, AT&T and MacDonald Dettwiler & Associates. In his current consulting practice, Pieter assists software engineering organizations with focused process assessment and process improvement activities which are tailored to their specific business needs.

Richard Longworth: Leading Award-winning International Technology Authority, Thought Leader, Educator and Celebrated Author
After a successful career in private industry and public education, Richard retired in 2007. Richard worked in industry as a programmer, systems analyst, database consultant; and in later years, as a college professor, teaching courses in mathematics and IT. Now, as a retired college professor, Richard spends a majority of his time writing and lecturing on holistic education, global consciousness, and self-actualization. He is an ardent supporter of mindfulness, and has recently published a book for twenty plus year olds on how a change in mindset can lead to a more meaningful life.

Matt Valentine: Industry-Leading Technology and Solutions Architext, Microsoft Redmond - Practical Architexture in Impractical Times
Matt Valentine joined Microsoft in 2003 to focus on helping customers address business challenges by using world-class distributed-computing technologies. He has over 15 years of experience in architexting and delivering application, database, Web, and transaction systems solutions with major corporations, including AT&T, IBM, ATG, and Microsoft. Key distributed-application projects have included telecommunications OSS projects, distributed insurance solutions, and several of the world's largest travel e-commerce sites.

Part 2: Noted Panelists Tour China speaking about "Emerging Technologies in Computing": Dr. Francine Berman, Vice President of Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Dr. Justine Cassell, Director, Center for Technology & Social Behavior, Professor, Departments of EE and CS and Communication, Northwestern University and Dr. Tracy Camp, Professor, Dept. of Math and CS, Colorado School of Mines
Dr. Francine Berman is Vice President of Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. She is an international leader in Cyber infrastructure and an advocate for sustainable data preservation.
Dr. Tracy Camp is a Professor of computer science at the Colorado School of Mines. She is the Founder and Director of the Toilers (, an active ad hoc networks research group currently consisting of 3 faculty members, 11 graduate students, and six undergraduate students.
Dr. Justine Cassell is the director of the Center for Technology and Social Behavior at Northwestern University, and the AT&T Professor of Communication and Computer Science. Before coming to Northwestern, Cassell was a tenured associate professor at the MIT Media Lab where she directed the Gesture and Narrative Language Research Group.

Part 1: Noted Panelists Tour China speaking about "Emerging Technologies in Computing": Dr. Francine Berman, Vice President of Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and Dr. Justine Cassell, Director, Center for Technology & Social Behavior, Professor, Departments of EE and CS and Communication, Northwestern University and Dr. Tracy Camp, Professor, Dept. of Math and CS, Colorado School of Mines
Dr. Francine Berman is Vice President of Research, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in Troy, New York. She is an international leader in Cyber infrastructure and an advocate for sustainable data preservation.
Dr. Tracy Camp is a Professor of computer science at the Colorado School of Mines. She is the Founder and Director of the Toilers (, an active ad hoc networks research group currently consisting of 3 faculty members, 11 graduate students, and six undergraduate students.
Dr. Justine Cassell is the director of the Center for Technology and Social Behavior at Northwestern University, and the AT&T Professor of Communication and Computer Science. Before coming to Northwestern, Cassell was a tenured associate professor at the MIT Media Lab where she directed the Gesture and Narrative Language Research Group.

Jeff Kempiners, Top-Global Executive, Strategist and Technology Visionary, Avanade Inc. talks about Cloud Computing
A seasoned leader, Mr. Kempiners has more than 12 years of experience in IT management and consulting. Mr. Kempiners joined Avanade in August, 2000 as a Solution Architext in the US-Central region. Most recently, he served as Avanade Canada Capability Director for Infrastructure and Application Solutions, and then Chief Technology Officer. Prior to joining Avanade, Mr. Kempiners was employed with Accenture in a variety of roles, including System Analyst, Project Manager, and Engagement Manager for large customer accounts in all industries.

Srikantan Moorthy: International Top-ranking Business and Technology Leader, Industry-Leading Visionary Innovator, Global Executive, Vice-President and Head of Research and Education, Infosys Technologies Ltd.
Srikantan Moorthy - known as Tan to friends and colleagues is a Vice President and Head of Education & Research (E&R) with Infosys. Tan has more than 23 years of experience in the Information Technology based Professional Services Industry. As head of Education and Research at Infosys, Tan's primary responsibility is talent development through competency building. He is part of the Infosys Competency Council. Tan is also a member of the Professional Development Committee of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), and is on the board of IUCEE (Indo US Collaboration for Engineering Education).

Jon Kleinberg: 2008 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award Recipient, Past Multiple Awards Recipient, 2008 Discover Magazine's "20 Best Brains Under 40", 2005 MacArthur Fellow, Member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Internationally Noted Cornell Professor and Researcher, Celebrated Teacher
Jon Kleinberg's research focuses on issues at the interface of networks and information, with an emphasis on the social and information networks that underpin the Web and other on-line media. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and serves on the Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Advisory Committee of the National Science Foundation, and the Computer Science and Telecommunications Board (CSTB) of the National Research Council. He is the recipient of an NSF CAREER Award, an ONR Young Investigator Award, research fellowships from the MacArthur, Packard, and Sloan Foundations, the Nevanlinna Prize from the International Mathematical Union, and the National Academy of Sciences Award for Initiatives in Research.

David Elfassy, International Authority in Windows Technologies, Unified Communications and Messaging, MS Learning Contributor, Microsoft Exchange Server Most Valuable Professional, MCT
David Elfassy began his career in IT in the early 90's delivering Microsoft Official Curriculum, specializing in Microsoft Exchange Server since 1997. He worked as project lead on many migrations and implementations of Microsoft infrastructure technologies for governmental and corporate organizations. He has also been working closely with Microsoft Learning teams on various marketing and certification projects; particularly working on curriculum development and certification exam development for multiple branches of Microsoft Corp. David is a co-owner and senior technical adviser for two Microsoft Gold Certified Partners: Netlogon Technologies ( (specializing in large enterprise consulting) and Kalleo ( (specializing in small business network management); overseeing teams of consultants and network technicians.

Stacy DuBois, Talented Technology and Business Specialist, Two-time National Champion Canadian Skills Competition, Member of Team Canada for WorldSkills Calgary 2009
The Office Administration-Legal program provided Stacy DuBois with a high level of proficiency using word processing, presentation, Internet, e-mail, database, graphics, and spreadsheet skills in a network environment. After successfully competing at the provincial level, she went on to compete at the Canadian Skills Competition in 2007 where she won gold. In 2008, she repeated her success, earning her the right to represent Canada at the 2009 WorldSkills Competition in Calgary. She is also looking forward to the opportunities, benefits and rewards she will experience in her future career as an entrepreneur, an information management specialist, or perhaps a project manager. Besides preparing for the WorldSkills Competition, Stacy is currently working on obtaining a Bachelor of Professional Arts - Communications Major from Athabasca University.

Charlie Russel, Top-ranking International Authority in Windows and Information Technologies, Widely Acknowledged Elite Networking Expert, Best-selling Author of more than 2 dozen books, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Charlie Russel is a chemist by education, an electrician by trade, a UNIX sysadmin and Oracle DBA because he raised his hand when he should have known better, an IT Director and consultant by default, and a writer by choice. Charlie is the author of more than 2 dozen computer books on operating systems and enterprise environments, including "Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Administrator's Companion" (MS Press), "Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administrator's Companion" (MS Press), "Windows Small Business Server 2008 Administrator's Companion" (MS Press), "Microsoft Windows XP Resource Kit, 3rd Edition" (MS Press), and "Oracle DBA Scripting Quick Reference" (Prentice-Hall PTR). He has also written numerous white papers and case studies on, most recently around Windows HPC Server, and was a regular columnist for the Windows ExpertZone.

Lee Benjamin, Top-ranking International Messaging Architext and Expert in Windows Technologies, Unified Communications and Messaging, Microsoft Exchange Server Architexture Most Valuable Professional, MCT, Chairman of ExchangeServerBoston and Secretary Global Board of Culminis
With over 20 years experience in the messaging industry, Lee Benjamin is an expert on Microsoft Exchange and related technologies. Since retiring from Microsoft in 1997, he has been a highly sought after consultant for enterprise and medium-sized organizations and software firms. He currently specializes in architexture, migration and upgrade advice, and product strategy/positioning for ISV's. He also evaluates and does product testing and training. Lee is chairman of the largest Exchange user group in the world ExchangeServerBoston, and actively engaged with other groups and organizations including Culminis, BostonUserGroups, WindowsBoston, and Virtg.

Yaroslav Pentsarskyy, Top Expert in SharePoint and custom .NET solution architexture and implementation, Microsoft Certified Application Developer
Yaroslav is currently involved in SharePoint and custom .NET solution architexture and implementation at Hot Tomali Communications. Yaroslav ensures project success through close and continuous interaction with end users and stakeholders throughout each phase of the application development lifecycle. He applies Rapid Application Development techniques and methods to ensure solution efficiency and quality. Yaroslav enjoys actively contributing to the widespread technical community. He shares his ideas and findings with user group members by presenting at local events, online community, and his blog:

Barbara Liskov: MIT Institute Professor, 2008 ACM Turing Award Recipient, 2004 IEEE John von Neumann Medal Recipient, Fellow ACM and American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Distinguished, Celebrated, World-Renowned Researcher
Barbara Liskov, 2008 ACM Turing Award Recipient, heads the Programming Methodology Group in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at MIT, where she has conducted research and has been a professor since 1972. In 2008, she was named an Institute Professor, the highest honor awarded to an MIT faculty member. Liskov is one of the first U.S. women to be awarded a Ph.D. from a computer science department (in 1968 from Stanford University). She revolutionized the programming field with groundbreaking research that underpins virtually every modern computer application for both consumers and businesses.

David Gibson, Accomplished Executive, International Business, Technology, Education and Certification Authority, Group Product Manager for Employability Certification and Career Excellence at Microsoft
David Gibson is currently the Group Product Manager for Employability Certification and Career Excellence at Microsoft. He is responsible for global development of certification products that address the needs of the end-user market and the aspiring practitioner. David frequently represents Microsoft in various accreditation and diplomatic efforts surrounding certification and ICT education. He speaks frequently at events such as the recent Futuralia Conference in Lisbon and serves on the Certification Council of the European Industry Leadership Board.

John Policelli, International Authority in Windows Technologies, Widely Acknowledged Networking Expert, Best-selling Author and Certification Exam Contributor, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
John Policelli is a solutions-focused IT consultant with over a decade of combined success in architexture, security, strategic planning, and disaster recovery planning. He has designed and implemented dozens of complex directory service, e-Messaging, web, networking, and security enterprise solutions. He has been involved as an author, technical reviewer, and subject matter expert for over 50 training, exam writing, press, and whitepaper projects related to Windows Server 2008 Identity and Access Management, networking, and collaboration.

Marcus Schmidt, International Business and Technology Authority, Senior Marketing Manager and Community Manager, Windows Business Group
As a senior marketing manager and community manager in the Windows Business Group, Marcus is responsible for building a vibrant consumer community around some of the world's most widely used products - Windows & Windows Live. Every day he sees, hears and learns how MS customers use these products in their daily lives. The best part of his job is sharing and showcasing the contributions of the community to the world through MS corporate websites, e-mail newsletters, Facebook and Twitter.

Terry Linkletter: Coach for Microsoft Information Technology, Board Director for the Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals
Terry Linkletter has served as Senior Software Quality Assurance Manager for Microsoft's Business Group Center of Excellence. In this capacity he drove SQA program elements for development and post-production enhancement across three service areas - tools for product management and pricing; tools for product releasing, protextion, and delivery; and tools and services for product activation and validation, including support for Genuine Advantage and Anytime Upgrade. He currently coaches software engineering teams in quantitative methods for improving software quality and effort estimates. He is also a Corporate Director on the board of the Chicago-based Institute for Certification of Computing Professionals and a member of the Education Council of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Jeff Kempiners, Top-ranking IT and Business Strategist, Leading Global Executive and Visionary, Avanade Inc.
Mr. Jeff Kempiners leads the strategic direction and growth of Avanade globally. Avanade has more than 7,200 professionals in 22 countries, including more than 230 in its Canadian business, which has offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Montreal. Recently, the company grew its business by 25%. Mr. Kempiners has more than 12 years of experience in IT management and consulting. Most recently, he served as Avanade Canada Capability Director for Infrastructure and Application Solutions, and then Chief Technology Officer.

Robert Beggs, International Security Authority, Board Member Sector Advisory Council, President DigitalDefence
Robert Beggs is the President of DigitalDefence, a company specializing in responding to security and privacy breaches.Robert has been responsible for the technical leadership and project management of more than 300 consulting engagements, including policy development and review, standards compliance, attack and penetration testing of wired and wireless networks, third party security assessments, incident response, and forensic investigations of hacker activities and insider misuse and fraud.

David Millier, Security Authority, Board Member Sector Advisory Council
Dave Millier is well-known in the Canadian High-Tech marketplace, where he's been helping customers with their security and networking needs for over 15 years. His career has taken many interesting turns; he has operated numerous businesses including a successful consumer ISP, a retail computer operation, a data hosting facility and business ISP, a boutique consulting firm, and most recently his organization Sentry Metrics, where as the co-founder he created and brought to market industry-leading Security and Risk Compliance Dashboard theSentry. Over the years Dave has presented at many network and security conferences including Network World and COMDEX, among others. His areas of expertise include in-depth knowledge of firewalls, IDS/IPS and logfile analysis, and he has extensive exposure to most commercial security products in use today.

Brian O'Higgins, Top International Security Executive and Expert, Board Member Sector Advisory Council, CTO Third Brigade
Chief Technology Officer, Third Brigade Inc. Mr. O'Higgins is a seasoned professional in the security industry, and is best known for his role in introducing PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) technology and products to the security landscape. He is also a recognized speaker on IT and Internet security. Mr. O'Higgins' current list of affiliations includes advisory board positions with Defence R&D Canada, Information Technology Association of Canada, Communications and Information Technology Ontario, Algonquin College, and the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. In addition, he currently serves on the boards of Recognia and Fischer International.

Bruce Cowper, Top International Security Authority, Chief Security Advisor Microsoft Canada
As the Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft Canada, Bruce is responsible for the overall security strategy, working closely with the Public Sector, large enterprises, Industry Associations and the Community across Canada. He comes from a security background in secure system design, forensics and security risk management and as the Chief Security Advisor, leverages his real life hands-on experience to relate to the challenges faced today. Bruce is a prolific speaker and can frequently be found in the media and at conferences across Canada and beyond. Bruce is a founding member of the Toronto Area Security Klatch (TASK) and an active member of numerous organizations across Canada.

Kai Axford, Top-ranking International Security Authority, Senior Security Strategist in Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing Group
Kai Axford (CISSP, MCSE-Security) is a Senior Security Strategist in Microsoft's Trustworthy Computing Group. A ten-year Microsoft veteran, Kai is responsible for discussing and recommending security solutions for both private and public sector organizations. In addition, he conducts Chief Security Officer councils worldwide, taking executive feedback and affecting change within Microsoft's security products and processes. Kai has delivered more than 300 security presentations on a variety of topics, including digital forensics, security management, incident response, and computer espionage. He is a frequent speaker at security conferences, executive meetings, and business seminars around the world.

David Woods, Accomplished Security Authority, Microsoft Developer Security MVP
David Woods, President and Founder of Solidhouse (, is an accomplished independent contractor and .NET developer specializing in security and enterprise applications aimed at meeting the unique needs and business requirements of a broad spectrum of clients. Dave holds the designation of Microsoft Developer Security MVP. He is an active speaker at a variety of user groups, code camps and conferences throughout Canada and the United States, and via his informative blog:

Rory McCaw, Leading Authority in Microsoft Technologies, Microsoft Certified Trainer, Consultant/Advisor to Corporations, Microsoft Systems Center Operation Manager Most Valuable Professional Award Recipient
Rory McCaw is a Principal Consultant and OpsMgr MVP at Infront Consulting Group, a Microsoft Gold Certified Partner based in Toronto, and the author of a number of technical books, including How to Cheat at Managing Microsoft Operations Manager 2005. Rory actively consults to large organizations helping them architext, implement, configure and customize System Center technologies integrating them into their business processes. Rory holds numerous industry designations, in addition to being an accomplished public speaker. He actively posts to his blog at and company web site Rory is also the author of the System Center Operations Manager 2007 Boot Camps ( which deliver in-depth technical knowledge of Ops Mgr to customers worldwide.

Professor Dame Wendy Hall: DBE FREng Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton in England; President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM); Distinguished, Celebrated, World-Renowned Computer Scientist
Dame Wendy Hall, DBE, FREng is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Southampton, UK. She was Head of the School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) from 2002 to 2007. Professor Dame Wendy Hall was appointed DBE (Dame Wendy Hall) in the New Year 2009 Honours List, one of only six, for outstanding services to science and technology. One of the first computer scientists to undertake serious research in multimedia and hypermedia, she has been at its forefront ever since. The influence of her work has been significant in many areas including digital libraries, the development of the Semantic Web, and the emerging research discipline of Web Science. Her current research includes applications of the Semantic Web and exploring the interface between the life sciences and the physical sciences. She is a Founding Director, along with Professor Sir Tim Berners-Lee, Professor Nigel Shadbolt and Daniel J. Weitzner, of the Web Science Research Initiative. She has recently been elected President of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), and is the first person from outside North America to hold this position.

Kerry Brown, International Authority in Windows, Widely Acknowledged Networking Expert; Microsoft Client Operating Systems, Windows Desktop Experience MVP
Kerry Brown has been involved with computers since 1970. He is an independent computer consultant who specializes in designing, implementing and administering networks for small businesses. He is currently on the Board of Directors of CIRA (Canadian Internet Registration Authority) who manage the .ca registry and DNS infrastructure. He enjoys learning and sharing computer knowledge in online forums and newsgroups and can usually be found on the Microsoft newsgroups and UseNet posting as Kerry Brown or on many online forums as TechB.

Daniel Nerenberg, Leading Authority in Microsoft Technologies, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Consultant/Advisor to Corporations, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Award Recipient
Daniel Nerenberg is an MCT, MCSA, MCSE, MCTS, and an independent consultant based in Montreal. He is also the President of the Montreal IT pro user group ( Daniel has written and consulted on the topics of Windows Deployment, Application virtualization, and Windows infrastructure. Daniel Also writes regular updates for "The Lazy Admin" Tech guidance website. (

Mitch Garvis, International Expert in Microsoft Technologies, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Consultant/Advisor to MS Learning, Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Mitch is an IT Trainer with a passion for community. Having founded and led two major user groups for IT Professionals he understands both the value and rewards of helping his peers. After several years as a consultant and in-house IT Pro, he now works with various companies creating and delivering training for Microsoft to its partners and clients around the world.

Reza Alirezaei, International Authority in Knowledge and Business Process Management and Collaboration Technologies, Microsoft Office SharePoint Server MVP
Reza Alirezaei is a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server MVP and MCTS. As a technical leader with over 8 years of experience, he has helped many development teams architext and build large-scale and mission critical applications. Reza has been focused on Collaboration, Knowledge Management, Business Process Management and SharePoint since its Tahoe days (2001). In addition to consulting, Reza is a speaker, author and instructor. A former SQL Server Reporting Services MVP, Reza was also appointed as a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server MVP due to his commitment to the technical community.

Pat McGee, Top Development Authority, Author, and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional
Pat is a Microsoft XNA / DirectX MVP and has co-authored the Microsoft XNA Game Studio Creator's Guide. Pat McGee is an Instructor and curriculum developer for both CST part-time studies and for BCIT's High Tech Professional Programs. In his career he has been a Games Programmer and a Technical Engineer at Business Objects where he worked with business intelligence technologies.

Internationally-Renowned Speaker, Corporate/Executive Coach, Best-selling Author: Cathy Shaughnessy
Cathy Shaughnessy, Certified Executive Coach and owner of Perspective In Action, has been working with people as they boost their performance in the workplace for almost 25 years. She has managed and coordinated corporate learning projects and established an outstanding track record of success as a sought after executive coach, speaker, training consultant and learning design specialist. Certified through Royal Roads University, Cathy works primarily on-on-one with senior executives as they get traction on their own performance as leaders. She has worked as a thinking partner, performance strategist and action catalyst with executives at the Ministry of the Environment, Navantis, Research in Motion, Microsoft Canada and Manulife Financial.

Steve Teicher, World-Renowned Computing Pioneer and Icon
Steve Teicher, World-Renowned Computing Pioneer and an icon in our industry. I would encourage our audience to look at the brief history of Steve's considerable contributions which is provided as background to this interview and then have a look at the interview topic index. It will be well worth your time. Steve has considerable insights to share from his many leadership and innovation roles.

Top-ranking Business and Technology Leader: Bernard Courtois, President & CEO Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC)
President and CEO of ITAC, the Information Technology Association of Canada, Bernard Courtois is an outspoken advocate for the deployment of information and communications technology tools to improve business productivity and to achieve our societal and public policy goals. He has also served on the executive of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce; was president of the International Institute of Communications; and is director and treasurer of the National Gallery of Canada Foundation. He served in a variety of executive roles with Bell Canada from 1991 to 2003, including those of Chief Regulatory Officer and Chief Strategy Officer.

Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, "the" Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing - Kelly talks about his classified work
Stephen continues his chats with computing pioneer, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD. (University of Toronto), D. Math. (Hon., University of Waterloo), D. Eng. (Hon., Technical University of Nova Scotia), Fellow CIPS (FCIPS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. Kelly shares some stories about his classified work. Kelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT).

Bruce Cowper, Top International Security Authority, Chief Security Advisor Microsoft Part 3
As the Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft Canada, Bruce is responsible for the overall security strategy, working closely with the Public Sector, large enterprises, Industry Associations and the Community across Canada. In part three of the series, Bruce continues the interview on other areas of security.

Bruce Cowper, Top International Security Authority, Chief Security Advisor Microsoft Part 2
As the Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft Canada, Bruce is responsible for the overall security strategy, working closely with the Public Sector, large enterprises, Industry Associations and the Community across Canada. In part two of the series, Bruce comments on and shares tips on a variety of topics affecting security including authentication, phishing, click-fraud etc.

Bruce Cowper, Top International Security Authority, Chief Security Advisor Microsoft Part 1
As the Chief Security Advisor for Microsoft Canada, Bruce is responsible for the overall security strategy, working closely with the Public Sector, large enterprises, Industry Associations and the Community across Canada. He comes from a security background in secure system design, forensics and security risk management and as the Chief Security Advisor leverages his real life hands-on experience to relate to the challenges faced today. Bruce is a prolific speaker and can frequently be found in the media and at conferences across Canada and beyond. Bruce is a founding member of the Toronto Area Security Klatch (TASK) and an active member of numerous organizations across Canada.

Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, "the" Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing - Kelly talks about his work in Academia
Computing pioneer, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD. (University of Toronto), D. Math. (Hon., University of Waterloo), D. Eng. (Hon., Technical University of Nova Scotia), Fellow CIPS (FCIPS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery. Kelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer, whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream, and profession. His contributions are so profound and their impact so diverse and in so many areas that the lasting value cannot be comprehended.

Raffael Marty, Leading Security Strategist and Author
As chief security strategist and director of application product management, Raffy is customer advocate and guardian - expert on all things security and log analysis at Splunk. He uses his skills in data visualization, log management, intrusion detextion, and compliance to solve problems and create solutions for Splunk customers. Fully immersed in industry initiatives, standards efforts and activities, Raffy lives and breathes security and visualization. His passion for visualization is evident in the many presentations he gives at conferences around the world and his book: "Applied Security Visualization". In addition, Raffy is the author of AfterGlow, founder of the security visualization portal, and contributing author to a number of books on security and visualization.

Global IPv6 Strategies from Business Analysis to Operational Planning - a chat with two of the International Experts/Authors: Patrick Grossetete, Fred Wettling, (Ciprian Popoviciu)
Patrick Grossetete, Ciprian Popoviciu, Fred Wettling are the authors behind the book, Global IPv6 Strategies from Business Analysis to Operational Planning.

Patrick Grossetete is the Technical Director at Arch Rock and past manager of product management at Cisco®. While at CISCO, Patrick was responsible for a suite of Cisco IOS® software technologies, including IPv6 and IP Mobility. He is a member of the IPv6 Forum Technical Directorate and in June 2003 he received the IPv6 Forum Internet Pioneer Award. He is a co-author of Deploying IPv6 Networks (Cisco Press, 2006).

Fred Wettling manages architexture and planning for Bechtel Corporation, a global leader in engineering, construction, and project management. He is active within and outside of Bechtel promoting standards-based technology interoperability that support global enterprise business needs. He is a member of the IEEE, North American IPv6 Task Force, and IPv6 Forum, and chaired the Network Applications Consortium for 5 years. He is a member of several industry Technical Advisory Boards and served on the president's National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee. He has spoken at many conferences and is a co-author of the new book "Global IPv6 Strategies".

Ciprian (Chip) Popoviciu, PhD, CCIE, is a Technical Leader at Cisco Systems with over ten years of experience in data and voice over IP communications technologies. As part of Cisco's Network Solution Integration Test Engineering (NSITE) organization, he focuses on the architexture, design and validation of large IPv6 network deployments in direct collaboration with service providers and enterprises worldwide. Ciprian is a regular speaker or chair at conferences and industry events and contributes to various technology publications. He is an active contributor to the IETF standards and he is a Senior member of IEEE and member of several academic advisory boards. Ciprian is co-author of two books: "Deploying IPv6 Networks" and "Global IPv6 Strategies".

Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, "the" Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing - Kelly talks about his work with IFIP and CIPS
Kelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer, whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream, and profession. His contributions are so profound and their impact so diverse and in so many areas that the lasting value cannot be comprehended. Have a look at this blog to find out more:

Barnaby Jeans, Leading International Technology Authority and Leader; Developer Audience Marketing Manager
Barnaby Jeans joined the Microsoft Canada team in November 2004. In his previous roles he has helped identify and grow the IT Manager audience as well as established the Tech Enthusiast activities within the Evangelism team. He is currently the Developer Audience Marketing Manager and is responsible for supporting the Canadian Developer Community through events, the MSDN Canada website, the community connection blogs, and the work of the entire community team. He was a key team member for the 2005 SQL/VS/BizTalk launch and the Vista and Office launch, and most recently led the Visual Studio 2008 launch across Canada.

Ed Tittel, Best-Selling Author, World Authority in Technology and Certification
Ed Tittel is a well-known author, trainer, and speaker. He's been working in the computer industry since 1981, and has filled roles as a software developer, an IT manager, a trainer, a systems engineer, technical marketer, and even technical evangelist. He's contributed to over 140 computer books, and is perhaps best-known for creating the "Exam Cram" series of IT certification preparation titles in 1997. Ed has also written for numerous computer magazines and Web sites, and is a regular contributor to Tom's Hardware,, and Digital Landing.

David Ticoll: Chair, Expert Panel, Information & Communications Technology Council and Senior Advisor, Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow's ICT Skills
David Ticoll is one of Canada's leading visionaries, speakers and advisers on competitiveness, globalization, technology and business innovation. He has authored several bestselling business books, including Digital Capital: Harnessing the Power of Business Webs, and The Naked Corporation: How the Age of Transparency will Revolutionize Business. David chairs the Expert Panel of the Information & Communications Technology Council (ICTC). David has authored many reports on the globalization of knowledge work and the rise of collaborative business networks, such as: Jobs 2.0: How Canada can win in the 21st century global marketplace for information & communications technologies and services, Outsourcing Comes of Age: the Rise of Collaborative Partnering, and Dances with Penguins: Harnessing Self-organization for Competitive Advantage. He is a senior advisor to the Canadian Coalition for Tomorow's ICT Skills, an alliance of companies, universities, and industry associations which is tackling the generational challenges of talent management and competitiveness in the global economy. David is a Director of the Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC), a position he has held for ten years. He is an advisor to the EMBA program at Athabasca University.

Michael Williams, World-Renowned Computing Pioneer, Past-President IEEE Computer Society, Professor Emeritus University of Calgary
Michael Williams joined the University of Calgary, first in the Department of Mathematics then as a Professor of Computer Science. It was while working at Glasgow that he acquired an interest in the history of computing, something which has developed over the years into his main research and teaching interest. During his career he has had the opportunity to work for extended periods at several different universities, and at the National Museum of American History (Smithsonian Institution), and as Head Curator at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View California. Besides his work as Editor-in-Chief for the journal The Annals of the History of Computing, he has worked closely with the IEEE History Committee, the IEEE History Center, is past President of the IEEE Computer Society, serves as a member of many different committees of the IEEE and is a member of editorial boards concerned with publishing material in the area of the history of computing.

Lance Secretan, World Renowned Multi-Award-Winning Executive, Strategist, Best-selling Author/Writer, Keynote Speaker, Coach, Thought-Leader, Professor
Dr. Lance Secretan is one of the world's foremost thinkers about leadership and a renowned pioneer in innovative methods of inspiring people and organizations. The former CEO of a Fortune 100 company and an acclaimed business school professor, Lance Secretan works with a gifted worldwide faculty changing the lives of people and transforming companies and revolutionizing the way they think about leadership. Thirty of Fortune's Most Admired Companies, and 11 of Fortune's Best Companies to Work For in America are his clients. He is the international best-selling author of fourteen books on leadership, an award-winning columnist, teacher, philosopher, corporate coach and mentor, and one of North America's most sought-after keynote speakers, retreat leaders, and business advisors.

Vaclav Vincalek, IT Authority, founder and president of Pacific Coast Information Systems (PCIS) Ltd.
Vaclav Vincalek is the founder and president of Pacific Coast Information Systems (PCIS) Ltd., a Vancouver-based company that provides strategic consulting, application development, technology solutions and managed services to companies and government organizations throughout North America. Mr. Vincalek launched Boonbox in 2007 as a division of PCIS, currently offering unique web security, password management and secure data backup solutions. He speaks at seminars about web security and integrating technology solutions to improve business productivity. He produces the Pacific Coast Informer, authors a blog about technology trends and is frequently interviewed and quoted by media in programs and articles dealing with the technology industry.

Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, "the" Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing -- Kelly talks about his work with the ACM
Computing pioneer, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD. (University of Toronto), D. Math. (Hon., University of Waterloo), D. Eng. (Hon., Technical University of Nova Scotia), Fellow CIPS (FCIPS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery.
Kelly Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer, whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream, and profession. His contributions are so profound and their impact so diverse and in so many areas that the lasting value cannot be comprehended. See

Dave Remmer, Architext Advisor Developer/Platform Group Microsoft, Top Architexture Authority
An industry veteran, Dave Remmer has architexted solutions in the financial, multi-media, security, manufacturing, services and health care industries. He specializes in leveraging SOA, security, and standards development to realize ongoing business value within organizations. Dave focuses on current issues in architexting enterprise solutions and how to leverage the Microsoft platform to support project's architextural success. Dave is an Architext Advisor with the Developer and Platform Group in Microsoft Canada and works with some of the largest organizations in Canada.

Markus Jakobsson, Top International Security Authority, Principal Scientist at PARC and founder of RavenWhite, Past Principal Research Scientist at RSA Security
Dr. Markus Jakobsson is a Principal Scientist at Palo Alto Research Center. He is a founder of the security startup RavenWhite, which addresses security problems associated with authentication, malware and click-fraud. He is also one of the founders of SecurityCartoon, an educational approach targeting typical Internet users. He is a visiting research fellow of the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), serves on the technical advisory board of Cellfony, and is a consultant to the financial sector. Dr. Jakobsson teaches on phishing and counter-measures, click-fraud, the human factor in security, cryptography, network security and protocol design. He is an editor of "Phishing and Countermeasures" (Wiley, 2006) and co-author of "Crimeware: Understanding New Attacks and Defenses" (Symantec Press, 2008).

Keith Lau, Top International Development Authority and Entrepreneur, Founder Parametric Ventures Inc.
A Microsoft veteran of over 10 years, Keith Lau spent most of his career based at the Redmond Corporate headquarters, where he had taken up senior roles in Development and Program Management. Focused primarily on communications, content delivery and scalable, high-availability servers, he had played leadership and management roles in marquis Microsoft products such as Microsoft Exchange Server, and invented several patented technologies for the company. With a penchant for creative and start-up efforts, Mr. Lau became part of a 3-person incubation team tasked to help Microsoft start a new R&D center for the Windows Server Division in Shanghai, China. In late 2006, Mr. Lau relocated back to North America and founded Parametric Ventures, Inc. to pursue creative entrepreneurship. He developed out of his passion for options trading and the idea that collective intelligence can improve a group's overall probability of success.

Jeff Kempiners, Top-ranking IT and Business Strategist and Leading Executive, Chief Technology Officer, Avanade Canada Inc.
Mr. Jeff Kempiners, as Chief Technology Officer, leads the strategic direction and growth of Avanade Canada. Avanade has more than 7,200 professionals in 22 countries, including more than 230 in its Canadian business, which has offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Montreal. Recently, the company grew its business by 25%. A seasoned leader, Mr. Kempiners has more than 12 years of experience in IT management and consulting. Prior to joining Avanade, Mr. Kempiners was employed with Accenture in a variety of roles, including System Analyst, Project Manager, and Engagement Manager for large customer accounts in all industries.

Rick Green, Vice President and Chief Information Officer, CHC Helicopter Corporation--Leading International IT Authority and Senior Executive
Rick Green is currently the Vice-President and Chief Information Officer of CHC Helicopter Corporation. Mr. Green has been employed by the Corporation for the past 22 years. He began as the Chief Accountant with a predecessor company, Sealand Helicopters Limited, and moved through increasingly responsible positions within the Corporation. In 1988, he was named the Assistant Corporate Controller. In 1993, he moved into an Internal Audit function until 1995 when he was appointed as Vice-President, Finance in the International division. He remained in this position until 2000 when he was appointed as Vice-President, Planning and Control. In May 2003, he assumed the role of Vice-President, Global Systems and Solutions. In May 2006, he was appointed as Vice-President and Chief Information Officer. In 2007, Rick received the "Top CIO: 2007" Award from Canadian Business Magazine.

Sean O'Driscoll - Top International Authority on Social Media, Founder/Chief Evangelist, CGT Consulting
Sean O'Driscoll is the founder and chief evangelist for CGT Consulting where he focuses on education/immersion workshops on social media / communities / advocacy programs. Sean also provides extensive strategy development sessions focused on working with clients turning his workshops into business strategy for organizations with roadmaps, metrics, and action plans. Prior to founding CGT Consulting, Sean was the Global Manager for CSS and the MVP Award Program at Microsoft Corporation. As the Global Director, Sean was responsible for the worldwide team that identified, awarded, and engaged 4000 MVPs spanning 90+ Microsoft technologies and in more than 90 countries.

Kevin Brown - CIPS Fellow, Vice-President of Information Technology for ENMAX Corporation and Past Chair of the CIO Council for the Conference Board of Canada
Mr. Brown is responsible for all information technology policy, planning, provisioning and reporting, as well as maximizing the corporation's return on information technology assets. In addition, he is a member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Brown has over 30 years of experience in the information systems industry including previous positions with the EPCOR Utilities, ATCO, and the Royal Bank of Canada. Mr. Brown has been active in the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) since 1984 and has served as president of both the local and national organizations. He is the past Chair of the Conference Board of Canada Council of CIOs. He remains active in Alberta promoting the information and communications technology sector as a strategic contributor to the economic future of Alberta.

Joël Quimper, Architext Advisor MDSN, Top Architexture Authority
Joël Quimper is an Architext Advisor for Eastern Canada, working mainly with architexts in large accounts, helping them to leverage the richness of the Microsoft Platform in order to allow them and their business to realize their full potential. Joël has extensive experience into designing service oriented solutions and using web services. He is passionate about interoperability and how with .Net you can leverage the existing enterprise investments.

Jean-Luc David, Developer Advisor MDSN, Top International Developer Authority
Jean-Luc David is a Developer Advisor for Microsoft Canada. He has written five technical books for Wiley Publishing, including Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team System and Professional Team Foundation Server. In his current role, he spends much of his time with development communities, companies and schools, connecting them to the resources they need to learn new skills and improve their careers. Prior to joining Microsoft, Jean-Luc ran a successful development and consulting firm specializing in areas such as Web Development and providing early guidance on Team System.

Internationally Renowned Leader and Executive: Stéphane Boisvert, President - Bell Canada Enterprise Group
Stéphane Boisvert belongs to the new generation of managers who enjoy challenging the status quo. A dynamic leader with a strategic change management approach, he is driven by a desire to resolve complex business issues and a focus on continually improving customer service. Acknowledged for his disciplined approach, excellent overall technological knowledge and ability to rally team members around a shared goal, Mr. Boisvert is a manager who promotes a participatory leadership culture while paying particular attention to training future leaders.

Internationally Renowned Entrepreneur, and Executive: Merrill Brown, Founder & Principal, MMB Media LLC
Merrill Brown is the founder and principal of MMB Media LLC, which provides clients with management and strategy consulting, corporate, editorial and program development, business analysis and marketing services. Since the founding of MMB Media, clients have ranged from companies in the news, information and wireless businesses to a large foundation. Brown serves as Chairman of the Board of, the leading citizen journalism company in the world. Brown is also a partner in Propeller LLC, a New York consultancy.

World-Renowned Researcher and Educational Leader: Dr. Yan Xu
Dr. Yan Xu joined Microsoft Research in March 2006. Her research has been focused on exploring technologies and pedagogical strategies that facilitate and enhance interdisciplinary computational education and computational thinking. She is responsible for the Computational Education for Scientists program, which enables collaborations with academia for infusing computational thinking into science education to create tomorrow's scientists. Yan is also responsible for applying Microsoft Phoenix technology to computer science education as part of the Phoenix Academic Program.

Sean W. Smith and John Marchesini, World Renowned International Authorities/Authors in Security
Professor Sean Smith has been working in information security - attacks and defenses, for industry and government - since before there was a Web. As a post-doc and staff member at Los Alamos National Laboratory, he performed security reviews, designs, analyses, and briefings for a wide variety of public-sector clients; at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, he designed the security architexture for (and helped code and test) the IBM 4758 secure coprocessor, and then led the formal modeling and verification work that earned it the world's first FIPS 140-1 Level 4 security validation. His current work, as PI of the Dartmouth PKI/Trust Lab, investigates how to build trustworthy systems in the real world.

Dr. John Marchesini developed security software for BindView, before he headed to Dartmouth to pursue a Ph.D. There, he worked under Professor Sean Smith in the PKI/Trust lab designing, building, and breaking systems. In 2005 he returned to BindView, this time working in BindView's RAZOR security research group. He conducted numerous application penetration tests and worked closely with architexts and developers to design and build secure systems. In 2006, BindView was acquired by Symantec and he became a member of Symantec's Product Security Group, where his role remained largely unchanged. John recently left Symantec and is now the Principal Security Architext at EminentWare LLC.

Internationally-Renowned Speaker, Corporate/Executive Coach, Best-selling Author: Cathy Shaughnessy, Partner ShaughnessyHowell Inc.
Cathy Shaughnessy is a partner in ShaughnessyHowell Inc., an award winning learning organization. She has been inspiring people to be the best that they can be at work for over two decades. With irrepressible wit and hard earned know-how Cathy encourages her audiences to stretch their thinking, challenge their assumptions and perform better on the job. She is an unprecedented winner of Three Canadian Society for Training and Development Awards and author of "Cultivating Initiative in Your Staff". She is a member of Canadian Association of Professional Speakers, International Coach Federation, National Speakers Association.

Ken Lamoureux, Executive Director, Strategic Services & Innovation ICT Services Manitoba
Ken Lamoureux is a leading Information Systems & Technology executive with a professional background spanning several years in the public, private and charitable sectors, executive level experience in technology management, strategic planning, operations, project management and business systems development. His progressive senior management experiences include: Vice-President and Chief Information Officer with the Manitoba Lotteries Corporation, a $1.4 B venture where he led the award-winning planning, development, implementation, and strategic management of Information Systems & Technology. Ken also innovated with Great-West Life Assurance as an analyst, project manager, and manager responsible for business systems training/standards, Information Centre, Architexture & Planning and new technology based initiatives.

World-Renowned Business and Technology Thought Leader and Educator: F. Warren McFarlan, Professor Emeritus, Harvard Business School
Professor McFarlan has had a significant role in introducing materials on Management Information Systems to all major programs at the Harvard Business School since the first course on the subject was offered in 1962. He has been a long-time teacher in the Advanced Management Program: International Senior Managers Program, Delivering Information Services Program, and several of the Social Sector programs. He teaches currently in the First Year Financial Reporting and Control course as well as in several short Executive Education programs. He is co-chair of the Senior Executives Program for China.

Top-ranking Business and Technology Leader: Bernard Courtois President & CEO Information Technology Association of Canada (ITAC)
As the president and CEO of ITAC, the Information Technology Association of Canada, Bernard Courtois is an outspoken advocate for the deployment of information and communications technology tools to improve business productivity and to achieve our societal and public policy goals. He is a lawyer with over 30 years experience in the telecommunications sector. Mr. Courtois is also a dedicated and energetic builder of business communities. He has served on the ITAC Board of Directors since 1999. He has also served on the executive of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce; was president of the International Institute of Communications; and is director and treasurer of the National Gallery of Canada Foundation.

Top-ranking Executive and Thought Leader: John Clarkson, Deputy Minister of the Department of Science, Technology, Energy and Mines in the Province of Manitoba
John is the Deputy Minister of the Department of Science, Technology, Energy and Mines in the Province of Manitoba. He has over 15 years of senior executive experience in the public and health care sectors. He leads the governments initiatives related to energy, mineral resources, petroleum, climate change, innovation, research, science and technology related business development, community connectivity, service transformation and information technology. Under his leadership, the government has been recognized as a leader in climate change initiatives, became one of the fastest growing biotechnology regions in the country, released an aggressive strategy that links together environmentally sustainable practices with economic growth, adopted an aggressive innovation framework, and is transforming the way government operates through the use of technology.

Paul Kent: Top-ranking Business and Industry Leader; CIPS Fellow
With 30 years of experience in the Information Technology and Communications industries, Paul Kent's most recent position as Senior Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer involved full profit/loss accountability for the performance of xwave, an Information Technology services company, while also leading the Enterprise Sales and Marketing functions for xwave's parent company, Bell Aliant. Previously he held a number of positions with Fujitsu including national leadership of their Strategic Consulting Practice as well as Managing Director for Fujitsu Consulting's interests in Atlantic Canada and New England.

Stacey Cerniuk, founder, President and CEO of Annex Consulting Group Inc, Top-Ranking Executive and IT/Business Leader
Stacey Cerniuk is the founder, President and CEO of Annex Consulting Group Inc., a project-based IT services company specializing in applications development, project management, network infrastructure and management consulting. Annex is recognized nationally on the PROFIT 100 list of fastest growing companies in Canada, Branham300 list of largest IT companies in Canada, and CDN Top 100 IT solution providers in Canada. Stacey is also a partner in The Annex Learning Centre, the only education company in British Columbia that specializes only in project management training. Stacey has 20 years of IT industry experience as a practicing project manager, business analyst, management consultant and entrepreneur.

Rick Birkenstock, General Manager, Avanade Canada Inc.; Internationally Recognized Technology and Business Leader
Rick Birkenstock, as General Manager, leads the strategic direction and growth of Avanade Canada solutions. Avanade has more than 7,200 professionals in 22 countries, including more than 230 in its Canadian business, which has offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Montreal. In fiscal year 2006, the company grew its business by 25%.

Mike Daconta, World Authority on Data Management; Noted Author; Top-Ranking Thought Leader; Federal Computer Week's Top "Fed 100"
Mr. Daconta is the Chief of Enterprise Data Management for Oberon Associates, Inc. and currently leading several data management projects for customers including the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Mr. Daconta is a well-known author, lecturer and columnist having authored or co-authored 11 technical books, numerous magazine articles and online columns. Mr. Daconta recently was awarded patent #7299408 by the USPTO for his electronic validator he invented for Fannie Mae. His most recent book is entitled, "Information As Product: How to deliver the right information to the right person at the right time". His other books cover the Semantic Web, XML, XUL, Java, C++ and C.

Sean O'Driscoll - General Manager for Community Support Services (CSS) and MVP Worldwide, Microsoft Corporation
Sean O'Driscoll is the Global Manager for CSS and the MVP Award Program at Microsoft Corporation. The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award recognizes exceptional technical community leaders who foster the free and objective exchange of knowledge by actively sharing their real world expertise with users and Microsoft. The MVP award is the way that Microsoft formally honors the accomplishments of these individuals for their contributions to community. As the Global Director, Sean is responsible for the worldwide team that identifies, awards, and engages over 3500 MVPs spanning over 90 Microsoft technologies and in over 90 countries.

Trekker Armstrong, Top Management and Technology Authority; Director, Architexture & Planning - Information Systems, TransCanada
Trekker Armstrong currently manages Architexture & Planning and is accountable for a top-down business-strategy-driven process that coordinates the development of enterprise architextures to bridge the gap between forward-looking business vision/strategy and the portfolio of I.T. investments TransCanada will make to support that strategy. Mr. Armstrong is an active participant in internal and external IT forums for the development and promotion of quality standards and practices, research, certification and professional development. He is the past Calgary Section President for the Canadian Information Processing Society and currently serves on National Board as a board director.

Nick Corcodilos: Top Management Authority, Author, Writer, Speaker, and Headhunter
Nick Corcodilos is the host of Ask The Headhunter and author of Ask The Headhunter: Reinventing The Interview to Win The Job, the #1-selling interview guide on Amazon for 26 consecutive months. Nick's weekly e-mail newsletter, published since 2002, is relied on by managers, human resources professionals, and successful job hunters around the world. Nick Corcodilos is president of North Bridge Group, Inc. and has been retained by companies including AT&T, Merrill Lynch, Becton Dickinson, and Procter & Gamble to teach managers to recruit and hire more effectively, and to help groom employees for promotions and career transition. Companies using his book as a hiring tool include Disney, Marriott, Microsoft, Merrill Lynch and the U.S. Government.

Diane Teare, Top International Authority/Author in Networking, Training, and E-Learning
Diane Teare is a professional in the networking, training, and e-learning fields. She has more than 20 years of experience in designing, implementing, and troubleshooting network hardware and software, and has also been involved in teaching, course design, and project management. She has extensive knowledge of network design and routing technologies and is an instructor with one of the largest authorized Cisco Learning Partners. She edited the Cisco Press titles Authorized Self-Study Guide Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN), first and second editions, and Designing Cisco Networks. She also coauthored Campus Network Design Fundamentals, the three editions of Authorized Self-Study Guide Building Scalable Cisco Internetworks (BSCI), and Building Scalable Cisco Networks. Diane's latest book is the above-mentioned second edition of Authorized Self-Study Guide Designing for Cisco Internetwork Solutions (DESGN), published in October 2007.

Jeff Kempiners: Chief Technology Officer, Avanade Canada Inc.
As Chief Technology Officer, Jeff Kempiners leads the strategic direction and growth of Avanade Canada solutions. Avanade is the premier global technology integrator for Microsoft solutions in the enterprise. Avanade has more than 7,200 professionals in 22 countries, including more than 230 in its Canadian business, which has offices in Toronto, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Ottawa and Montreal.

Michael Furdyk, Co-founder, Leading Serial Entrepreneur, and Innovator
Michael Furdyk is the Co-founder and Director of Technology for, a global online community for young people, engaging hundreds of thousands of youth in over 200 countries and territories. Along with managing the technology team at TakingITGlobal, Michael is involved with the TIGed education program, and has spoken to over 50,000 educators about the importance of engaging students and integrating technology and global perspectives into the classroom. In the past, he has turned his interest in technology into a series of successful online companies, co-founding (later sold to and (which raised $4.5-million of venture capital). Over the last few years, Michael has consulted for many Fortune 500 companies, including a 6-month engagement developing youth strategy with Microsoft in Seattle, Washington.

James Canton, Ph.D., Internationally Renowned Global Futurist, Social Scientist; Top-ranking Keynote Speaker/Author; Visionary Thought Leader, Premier World Authority on Business Strategy and Innovation; CEO/Chairman Institute for Global Futures
Dr. James Canton is a renowned global futurist, social scientist, keynote presenter, author, and visionary business advisor. For over 30 years he has been insightfully predicting the key trends that have shaped our world. He is the author of The Extreme Future: The Top Trends That Will Reshape the World for the Next 5, 10 and 20 Years, Dutton 2006 and Technofutures: How Leading-Edge Innovations Will Transform Business in the 21st Century, Next Millennium Press 2004. Dr. Canton is CEO and Chairman of the Institute for Global Futures, a think tank he founded in 1990. He advises the Global Fortune 1000 on trends in innovation, financial services, health care, life sciences, energy, security, workforce, climate change and globalization. He is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Research in Innovation at the Kellogg School of Management and serves on Motorola's Visionary Advisory Board. He has advised three White House Administrations, the National Science Foundation and MIT's Media Lab, Europe.

Martin Slofstra: Long time powerhouse Editorial Director and Writer
In his regular chat sessions, Martin Slofstra talks about his upcoming seven-part series on CBC. Martin Slofstra has over 20 years experience covering the IT industry in Canada. He served as Communications Editor and Editor of Computing Canada. He helped launched and became editor of InfoSystems Executive (now called EDGE), Canada's first technology magazine for business executives. Martin has served as editorial director of the IT Business Group at Transcontinental Media, Canada's largest publisher of information technology-related newspapers and magazines.

An interview with Dr. William F. Miller, a World Premier Authority and Visionary on Business Strategy, Innovation, Technology, and International Thought Leadership
Dr. William F. Miller has spent about half of his professional life in business and about half in academia. Dr. Miller helped to form the Computer Science Department at Stanford University and to direct the Computation Group at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) and later he championed the establishment of the Office of Technology Licensing which has become the model for such activities at other universities here and abroad. In 1978 he negotiated and brought to Stanford the first scholars from the Peoples Republic of China. In 1979 he was named the Herbert Hoover Professor of Public and Private Management.

As President and CEO of SRI International Miller opened SRI to the Pacific Region, he established the spin-out and commercialization program at SRI and established the David Sarnoff Research Center (now the Sarnoff Corporation) as a for-profit subsidiary of SRI. In 1990 Dr. Miller retired from SRI International and returned to Stanford half time where he taught technology related courses, carried out research on the IT industry and on the characteristics of entrepreneurial regions. He also spent about half of his time working with start-ups and non-profits in Silicon Valley. He helped organize Joint Venture Silicon Valley Network and served on the board of directors for three years. He co-founded and served as Vice Chairman of SmartValley, Inc. Additionally he aided the formation of CommerceNet and served on the board of directors. Dr. Miller was a founding director and served as Vice Chairman of the Center for Excellence in Non-profits. He currently serves as Chairman of the Board of Sentius Corp. He is Chairman Emeritus of Borland Software Corp. He is a Founder and Chairman of Nanostellar, Inc., a new start-up in nanomaterials.

Dr. Miller co-directs an international research project called the Stanford Project on Regions on Innovation and Entrepreneurship and he co-directs an Executive Education program on Strategic Uses of Information Technology. Additionally, Dr. Miller worked with foreign countries helping them establish their technology policies and practices, notably Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, and Korea.

Don Tapscott, the World's Foremost Authority on Business Strategy; Chief Executive of International Think Tank, New Paradigm; Best Selling Author; Top-Ranking Speaker and Thought Leader
Don Tapscott, one of the world's leading authorities on business strategy, is Chief Executive of international think tank New Paradigm. Founded in 1993, New Paradigm produces groundbreaking research focused on the role of technology in productivity and business design, effectiveness and competitiveness. Tapscott is the author of 11 widely read books about information technology in business and society, including "Paradigm Shift", "Growing Up Digital", and "The Naked Corporation". His new book (January 2007), co-authored with Anthony Williams, is "Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything". Don Tapscott is one of the world's most sought-after speakers, keynoting over 1000 conferences, executive planning sessions and other gatherings since New Paradigm was founded.

Anne Miller: Top-ranked Education Thought Leader; Education Marketing Manager Cisco Systems
As education marketing manager, Anne Miller is responsible for all educational programs at Cisco Systems Canada Co. and for the Networking Academy program in Canada. With her extensive knowledge of nationally-focused education programs, Anne contributes to Cisco's highly successful performance strategy. She has over 24 years of management experience in information technology sales and marketing.

David Donnelly: Award Winning Senior Technology Leader; Director of the Applications Development Services Department, UNIS LUMIN Inc.
As Director of Applications Development Services, David Donnelly founded the department with teams of developers responsible for both consultative practices and commercial software manufacturing lines of business. Notable accomplishments include the development of a web-based electronic medical record and injury surveillance system for a major national sports league; a fraud management system for a significant Canadian financial institution; a CRM/ERP system for internal use and commercial sale; and development of a five-year strategic plan and implementation roadmap for the Archives of Ontario. UNIS LUMIN is a business solutions provider with a focus on unified communications, intelligent business applications, storage, security, and managed services. Holding both a Microsoft Gold certification and a Cisco Gold certification, the company offers a broad range of high technology oriented business solutions to assist their customers in achieving their business goals. The company also manufactures two commercial software products marketed world wide.

Leonard Brody - Co-Founder, International Top-Ranking Thought Leader/Speaker, Business Visionary, Best-selling Author
Leonard Brody is a highly respected entrepreneur, venture capitalist and best-selling author. He has helped in raising millions of dollars for startup companies, been through one of the largest internet IPOs in history and has been involved in the building, financing and/or sale of five companies to date. Currently, Leonard is Co-CEO and a Director of NowPublic which is one of the pioneers in citizen journalism and quickly becoming one of the largest news agencies in the world. Leonard is an advisor to the Canadian Ministry of International Trade and a Director of Canada's largest technology association, CATA. A highly sought-after public speaker, Leonard has lectured at universities and conferences throughout the world. He is co-author of the best selling books, Innovation Nation: Canadian Leadership from Jurassic Park to Java and Everything I Needed to Know About Business...I Learned from a Canadian.

Pravir Vohra: Group CTO, ICICI Bank; International Senior Technology Visionary, Executive and Innovator
Mr. Pravir Vohra is the Group CTO at ICICI Bank. In this role, he is responsible for the IT strategy & innovation, enterprise architexture, process automation and leveraging technology synergies across ICICI Bank and its group companies. With a stint spanning three decades in the industry, Mr. Vohra has immense experience and knowledge in IT architexture, domain expertise in financial products, process re-engineering, IT operations and strategy.

Hari Panday: President and CEO, ICICI Bank Canada, International Executive, Business and Technology Thought Leader
Mr. Panday is the President & CEO for the ICICI Bank Canada, a Schedule II chartered bank, the Canadian subsidiary of ICICI Bank Limited, India. His career spans over 26 years including forming a greenfield Schedule II chartered bank in Canada, corporate and commercial banking, international trade, real estate finance, debt restructuring, credit and computer audit functions. Prior to that, he was involved with an international accounting firm.

Paul Bassett, I.S.P. (ret.): Leading Software Engineer and Computer Science Authority
Paul Bassett has over 35 years of academic and industrial software engineering experience. He taught computer science at York University for seven years, co-founded Sigmatics Computer Corporation and Netron Inc. (two on-going software engineering companies), and for over twenty years he helped governments and businesses to improve their software development tools and techniques. He is currently a senior consultant with the Cutter Consortium. Paul received the Information Technology Innovation Award from the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) for his invention of frame technology. He later co-chaired their Certification Council, was a member of their Accreditation Council, and now helps to accredit honours programs in computer science and software engineering, as well as chairing the CIPS Committee on Software Engineering Issues.

Dr. Fiorenza Albert-Howard: Noted Computing and Engineering Pioneer, Groundbreaking Author, International Executive, Business and Technology Thought Leader
Dr. Albert-Howard has contributed both nationally and internationally to the computing and engineering fields. Fiorenza is the recipient of numerous accolades and awards including three from the IEEE and a fourth for her writing. She has authored several groundbreaking books in computing including best-sellers plus publication of articles in technical journals. Just a small sampling of Dr. Albert-Howard's significant societal roles include senior leadership, board, and committee positions within: CIPS (Industry Canada chartered, Canada's Association of IT Professionals), the IEEE (Engineering Society, Engineering Management Society, Computer Society, Communication Society), SWE (Society of Women Engineers), CFUW (Canadian Federation of University Women), NSERC (National Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada), APEG BC (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of BC), ITC (International Training in Communications), .....

Paul Crookall: Award-winning, Internationally Recognized, Leading Government/Executive Thought Leader; Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Government Executive Magazine (CGE)
Dr. Crookall is a seasoned professional with a wide range of skills and accomplishments over a sustained career of considerable success and accomplishment. Specializing in excellence in the public service, leadership, and the criminal justice system, Paul draws on his experience to make significant and substantive contributions both nationally and internationally. His work is widely known and acknowledged for its innovation, integrity, and customer focus. More about Paul's extensive international reputation as a leading senior executive and award-winning professional, educator, editor, author, writer, researcher, and consultant, can be found at:

Allen Atwell, Top International IT Expert and Authority, Leading Senior Executive; Chief Technology Officer MessageLabs
As Chief Technology Officer, Allen drives all global research and development to further evolve MessageLabs product vision and long-term technology strategy worldwide. Prior to joining MessageLabs, Allen served as Senior Vice President EMEA Telecom Consulting for Oracle where he successfully built a comprehensive regional team of telecom architexts and consultants in three delivery centers across EMEA. Prior to Oracle, Allen was CTO of and has held key positions at S.W.I.F.T. as Head of Technology Strategy and Telecommunications and with AT&T's Bell Labs as EMEA Director of Research and Development architexting international ISP's. Allen also spent ten years at Digital Equipment as worldwide Telecom Software Engineering Manager. He started his career as a distributed software engineer/analyst at Dallas-based Texas Instruments.

Charles Hughes: President 2005-2006, British Computer Society; Chair, IFIP Task Force for the International Professional Practice Program; Founder, eManagement Limited
Charles founded eManagement Ltd in 1999 providing strategic and project services to government and the IT industry. His 38 year career in IT, following a mathematics degree at the University of Manchester, began with ICL where he held various director level appointments. As Project Director at the DTI in the 1990's he developed and launched the Information Society Initiative. Charles is Immediate Past President (2005-2006) of the British Computer Society (BCS). He joined the Society in 1974 and became a Fellow in 1990. Following a period as Vice President he was elected Deputy President in 2004. He chaired the team which developed the Professionalism in IT programme, which he champions and sponsors, and he has been deeply involved with the Society's governance and membership developments.

Donald Bechman: 2007 Network Professional Association Award for Professionalism Winner as the Top of the Mark Volunteer Award
Steve Delahunty (NPA) has an exclusive interview with Donald Bechman who is the recipient of the 2007 Network Professional Association Award for Professionalism Winner as the Top of the Mark Volunteer Award. Donald's leadership efforts in community support while managing an information technology career were noted as exemplary evidence of his volunteer contributions. Donald shows compassion, dedication, and consistency thru his volunteer work on his local rescue squad. He holds certifications in Advanced Cardiac Life Support and Pediatric Advanced Life Support which allow him to treat a wide variety of medical issues for both children and adults. Donald is an Associate with Booz Allen Hamilton, a global strategy and technology consulting firm.

Barb Bowman - Internationally Acknowledged Home Networking and Device Authority; Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) - Windows Networking and Windows XP Media Center
Barb Bowman was one of the first people to become an expert in wireless technologies. Her job with a national cable company allows her to stay on top of the latest technologies in the broadband industry. She provides insight into connected home technologies, devices and products on blogs, in articles published on the Microsoft Corp. Web site and in Microsoft chat rooms. In addition to having participated in beta testing Windows Vista, Bowman presents webcasts on the Windows Vista hardware ecosystem on the Windows Vista community site, as a companion piece building on a Windows Vista Community Column.

Martin Slofstra: Business and Media Leader; Writer; Editorial Director
In his regular chat sessions, Martin Slofstra shares his thoughts on online communities and the new media. Martin Slofstra has over 20 years experience covering the IT industry in Canada. He served as Communications Editor and Editor of Computing Canada. He helped launched and became editor of InfoSystems Executive (now called EDGE), Canada's first technology magazine for business executives. Martin has served as editorial director of the IT Business Group at Transcontinental Media, Canada's largest publisher of information technology-related newspapers and magazines.

Trevor Eddolls - Internationally Recognized Technology Thought Leader, Author, Editor, Consultant; CEO iTech-Ed Ltd; Editor Xephon's Update Publications
Trevor Eddolls is CEO of iTech-Ed Ltd, a UK-based company he founded at the start of 2004. Trevor has written nine mainframe and communications-based articles for NASPA's ( Technical Support journal and has been responsible for the Glossary section of The Arcati Mainframe Yearbook ( for the past three years. He has also published three books on mainframe computing. Trevor is responsible for the creation and editing each month of Xephon's ( Update publications. There are also monthly Update publications for WebSphere and AIX. Trevor has a regular weekly blog, which can be found at and also at

Teresa Hennig: Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) - Microsoft Office Access; Noted International Programming Authority
Teresa Hennig, MVP, is business consultant and Access developer. She is also president of both the Pacific Northwest Access Developer Group and the Seattle Access Group, and is host for INETA's monthly webcasts. She was the lead author of "Access 2007 VBA Programmer's Reference," which is due to be released in May, 2007. She was also the coordinating lead author for Access 2003 VBA Programmer's reference. In recognition of her expertise and dedication to the Access community, Teresa was awarded Microsoft Access MVP.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Distinguished, Celebrated, World-Renowned Computer Scientist, President of HMC--past Dean of Engineering/Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University; former Dean of Science at UBC in Canada
Maria Klawe is currently the president of Harvey Mudd College (HMC). Prior to joining HMC, she served as dean of engineering and professor of computer science at Princeton University. Maria has made significant research contributions in several areas of mathematics and computer science including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, human-computer interaction, gender issues in information technology, and interactive-multimedia for mathematics education. Her current research focuses on the development and use of multi-modal applications to assist people with aphasia and other cognitive impairments.

Martin Slofstra: Writer and Thought Leader
This month, Martin Slofstra shares his thoughts on corporate/social responsibility. Martin Slofstra has over 20 years experience covering the IT industry in Canada, graduating with an M.A. in Journalism from the University of Western Ontario in London in 1982, and starting with Northern Telecom as a corporate writer in that same year. He joined Computing Canada as staff writer in 1985. He's also served as Communications Editor and Editor of that magazine. In 1997, he helped launched and became editor of InfoSystems Executive (now called EDGE), Canada's first technology magazine for business executives. Martin has served as editorial director of the IT Business Group at Transcontinental Media, Canada's largest publisher of information technology-related newspapers and magazines.

Adam Chee - Microsoft Certified Professional Hall of Fame Inductee; Noted International Healthcare Informatics Authority
Adam Chee is a recognized subject matter expert on the area of Health Informatics, Adam has presented at several international conferences and was invited as a Theme Sub Chair (Telemedicine and Healthcare) for the 15th International Conference on Mechanics in Medicine and Biology (ICMMB) organized by the National Technological University of Singapore (NTU). He also holds the honour of being the first inductee of the Microsoft Certified Professional Hall of Fame International. Adam contributes to both the IT and Health Informatics industry by authoring commentaries and technical articles for various international web portals and publication as well as giving talks at professional societies and tertiary institutions.

Network Neutrality and related issues: Chats with Kelly Gotlieb, "the" Internationally Renowned Pioneer in Computing
This week, Stephen Ibaraki has the fourth of his exclusive interviews with computing pioneer, Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD.D. (University of Toronto), about Network Neutrality and related issues.

Nuo Yan - Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) - Windows Shell/User, 2003 to 2007
Nuo Yan became an MVP, the youngest in China, in April 2003 when he was only 16. Yan specializes in Microsoft Windows Client, Windows Server, Microsoft .NET and Windows Vista and is active in online and local offline technical events. He was awarded the Microsoft China Community Star for helping to develop and customize solutions for its partners in China. He started the nonprofit technical community Diyinside Community and volunteers in several capacities, including supporting university technical events, developing software workshops and writing technical books. His first book, "Windows XP Beginner Guide and FAQs," was published in China in June 2004. Nuo Yan is an undergraduate student at the University of Washington in Seattle, and proposes to major in applied computational mathematical sciences.

Jon Bartol: Chief Information Officer, General Motors of Canada; Top-Ranking Business Technology Leader and Authority
Jon Bartol Chief Information Officer of General Motors of Canada shares his insights on opportunities, challenges, risks and strategies for business and IT. He serves as a member of the GM of Canada Strategy Board. He holds a variety of Teaming for Excellence awards, and Quality Recognition Awards.

Martin Slofstra, Editorial Director, IT Business group: CIOs and their perspectives
This month, Martin Slofstra shares his thoughts on CIOs and their perspectives on such things as IT and Business Alignment. Martin Slofstra is editorial director of the IT Business Group at Transcontinental Media, Canada's largest publisher of information technology-related newspapers and magazines. Martin has 20 years experience covering the IT industry in Canada.

Dr. Danny Sands: Director of Medical Informatics, Cisco Systems; Assistant Clinical Professor of Medicine Harvard Medical School
Dr. Danny Sands is an internationally recognized lecturer, consultant, and thought leader in the area of clinical computing and patient and clinician empowerment through the use of computer technology. Prior to joining Cisco, he served as the Chief Medical Officer and VP for Clinical Strategies for Zix Corporation, where he provided clinical leadership that helped the company become a leader in e-prescribing. Prior to that, he was the Clinical Systems Integration Architext at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, where he had worked since 1991. Danny is the recipient of numerous health IT awards, sits on the board of the American Medical Informatics Association, and has been elected to fellowship in both the American College of Physicians and the American College of Medical Informatics.

Celso Mello: Chief Information Officer, Chubb Security Systems
Celso Mello heads up a team of approximately 20 professionals and his responsibilities include all aspects of IT, ranging from infrastructure to applications to security, and span from budget to strategy to compliance. His achievements throughout his professional career include data centre consolidations, network upgrades, security enhancements, large application implementations. In particular, over the past 18 months, Mr. Mello's team has successfully implemented a MPLS network, a VoIP-enabled national phone system, a 1000-user Active Directory rollout, and upgraded a business critical application system, running on a 24x7 high-availability environment.

Arthur Entlich: Internationally Regarded Microsoft MVP in Printing and Imaging; Noted Professional Artist, Photographer and Lecturer
Arthur Entlich is a professional artist, photographer and lecturer, who provides creative graphic artists and others with information on how to bridge and integrate traditional art forms with high tech methodologies to allow them to broaden their creative techniques and output. His commentaries can be found in various internet printing and graphic hardware groups. He has been awarded as a Microsoft MVP in Printing and Imaging for the last four years.

The Changing Role of the CIO: Martin Slofstra, Editorial Director, IT Business group
Martin Slofstra shares his insights about the "Changing Role of the CIO". Martin Slofstra is editorial director of the IT Business Group at Transcontinental Media, Canada's largest publisher of information technology-related newspapers and magazines. Titles include Computing Canada, Computer Dealer News, Communications and Networking, Direction Informatique, EDGE magazine, Technology in Government, and, a daily news web site. Martin brings a unique perspective on the industry and those transitioning to leadership roles in business.

Neal Allen, International Top-Ranking Network Service/Troubleshooting Authority; Level 3 Escalation Engineer, Fluke Networks
Neal Allen has been with Fluke since 1989, and has been in the Fluke Networks networking products group since 1992 when it formed. Special focus has been placed on technical marketing, product development, beta testing, and special projects. In 2002 the Technical Assistance Center was restructured, and in the capacity of a level 3 escalation engineer, Neal has dealt with many of the issues surrounding analysis of the higher OSI layers while still maintaining awareness of the lower layers and how they affect monitoring and troubleshooting. Special projects include assisting/managing troubleshooting at all US Interop trade shows since 1993, assisting with troubleshooting at the 1996 Olympic Games in Atlanta, assisting with network service restoration at the Pentagon following the 9/11 attack, and assisting with troubleshooting efforts onboard the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis while underway.

Martin Slofstra: Editorial Director - IT Business group
Martin Slofstra is editorial director of the IT Business Group at Transcontinental Media, Canada's largest publisher of information technology-related newspapers and magazines. Titles include Computing Canada, Computer Dealer News, Communications and Networking, Direction Informatique, EDGE magazine, Technology in Government, and, a daily news web site. Martin has 20 years experience covering the IT industry in Canada.

Noted Business and Technology Leader, Bernard Courtois
President and CEO of ITAC, the Information Technology Association of Canada, Bernard Courtois is an outspoken advocate for the deployment of information and communications technology tools to improve business productivity and to achieve our societal and public policy goals. He is a lawyer with over 30 years experience in the telecommunications sector. He served in a variety of executive roles with Bell Canada. Prior to joining Bell Canada, Mr. Courtois practiced law in Montreal and Ottawa serving a wide range of clients in telecommunications and other regulated industries. He was an active participant in the many regulatory, public policy and judicial proceedings which have shaped Canada's competitive communications marketplace.

Stu Mackay, Dean, Yukon College, a leader in innovative educational programs and advanced delivery
Stu Mackay is the Dean of Professional Studies at Yukon College and is responsible for the Departments of Business and Administration, Health and Human Services, and Trades and Technology. He joined Yukon College in 1992 after working throughout the eastern and western arctic as a Community Economic Planner, Community Adult Educator and Regional Education Co-ordinator. Stu also worked as a teacher for four years in northern Nigeria and was a military pilot for 12 years.

Dr. Karl Moore, Internationally Leading Business and Management Authority, Desautels Faculty of Management, McGill University
Dr. Moore joined McGill's Faculty of Management in 2000, where he teaches graduate courses in globalization and high tech marketing. He has taught extensively in executive education and MBA programs in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa with leading universities. His publications include over seventy articles, books and papers on a variety of topics. His research has been published in a number of leading journals. He and co-author historian David Lewis have published articles in Business History and the Management International Review on international business in the ancient world. Their award-winning book, Birth of the Multinational: 2000 years of Ancient Business History, came out in 1999. Their latest book, Foundations of Corporate Empire, was published in Winter 2001 by the Financial Times/Prentice Hall. He has been a consultant to leading global firms. The Globe and Mail recently identified Dr. Moore as one of the top 10 Canadian academics in the media.

Professor Hideyuki Nakashima, President Future University - Hakodate, Internationally Renowned Computer Scientist, Visionary, and Inspirational Leader
Professor Hideyuki Nakashima, PhD, is president of Future University - Hakodate (FUN), a position he has held since 2004. Prior to this, he was the director of Cyber Assist Research Center, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST). His research field includes Multiagent systems, Artificial Intelligence, (in particular, knowledge representation and reasoning, and cognitive science). He is currently interested in a new methodology for complex information processing as well as societal application of information processing technologies.

Dr. William Gray: International Expert in the Field of Mentoring
Dr. Bill Gray, MEd, PhD, first began developing mentoring programs at University of British Columbia where he taught for 15 years. He left academia in 1986 to establish The Mentoring Institute and to devote himself full-time to developing mentoring programs [along with his wife and business partner, Marilynne Miles Gray]. He has trained over 20,000 mentors and proteges to work together, using Gray's Mentor-Protege Relationship Model and materials they especially developed, such as the Mentoring Compatibility Indicator, Mentoring Style Indicator, Mentor Expertise Inventory and Protege Needs Inventory. Over 150 organizations have asked him to help them custom develop different kinds of mentoring programs for a wide variety of proteges and purposes; these organizations include medium to large companies, government agencies, colleges and universities, and school systems. In 2000, they changed their company name to Corporate Mentoring Solutions Inc. with a focus on providing a multi-functional, web-based Mentoring Management System called Colaboro.

David Sanders: CEO, MVP: Internationally Respected Leader, Pioneer, Founding Visionary and President and CEO of Culminis - Bringing IT Together
A lot has happened in the past year for Dave Sanders, MVP and Culminis President and CEO. He was chosen by Microsoft for his fourth MVP (Microsoft Most Valuable Professional) award earlier this year. Culminis went over one million members this year making them one of the largest and fastest growing organizations in the world. His own user group has continued to grow and flourish with the average number of attendees at monthly meetings exceeding 400 and overall membership at 6000+. Never satisfied with the status quo, Dave is pushing for even greater things for both his user group and for Culminis. They are working on a lot of exciting projects and initiatives which they hope will bring a great deal of value to the community in the next year.

Dr. A. Joseph Turner, Internationally Regarded Computer Science Authority and Educator; Professor Emeritus, Clemson
Dr. Joe Turner received the PhD in Computer Science from the University of Maryland. Dr. Turner joined Clemson University in 1975 as Assistant Professor of Mathematical Sciences, and he retired as Professor of Computer Science in 2000. He served as Head of the Department of Computer Science from 1978 to 1992. He also served as Professor of Information Systems from 2001 to 2003, and as Dean of the College of Information Systems from 2003 to 2004 at Zayed University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. His current activities include serving as a member of the Computing Accreditation Commission (CAC) of ABET, a representative to IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing) and IFIP Technical Committee 3 (Education), a member of the IFIP Council, and a member of the editorial board for three journals.

Skills Shortage and Blogs: Chat with Kelly Gotlieb Computing Pioneer, Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto
Kelly Gotlieb, C.M., M.A., PhD. (University of Toronto), D. Math. (Hon., University of Waterloo), D. Eng. (Hon., Technical University of Nova Scotia), Fellow CIPS (FCIPS), Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, the British Computer Society and the Association for Computing Machinery, shares his views about the Skills Shortage, and Blogs.

Evolution of Computers: Chat with Kelly Gotlieb Computing Pioneer, Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto
Kelly Gotlieb talks about the evolution of the field of computing. Kelly is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer, whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream, and profession. His contributions are so profound and their impact so diverse and in so many areas that the lasting value cannot be comprehended. Have a look at this blog to find out more:

Privacy: Chat with Kelly Gotlieb Computing Pioneer, Professor Emeritus at the University of Toronto
Kelly Gotlieb shares his insights and views on privacy issues. Calvin C. (Kelly) Gotlieb is currently Professor Emeritus in Computer Science and in the Faculty of Information Studies at the University of Toronto (UT). He is a computing pioneer, whose innovations and accomplishments helped lay the foundation of an entire worldwide industry, educational stream, and profession. His contributions are so profound and their impact so diverse and in so many areas that the lasting value can not be comprehended.Professor Gotlieb's list of "firsts" fills volumes and they are so extensive that we can only discuss a few of them here. Now in his 6th decade of thought leadership, Kelly continues to inspire, teach, and be a catalyst for innovation.

Paul Thiel: Noted Expert in Research and Development for the Information and Communication Technology Sector
Paul Thiel has over thirty years of Middle and Senior Management experience within Research and Development for the Information and Communication Technology sector in British Columbia. He has been an integral part of Applied Research and development activities in BC, plus Pacific Northwest, both as an employee of companies including British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT), PMC-Sierra Inc., MPR Teltech Ltd and as an independent consultant. Many of the projects Paul has been responsible for included technology transfers, performing due diligence on technology, production interface, sourcing project funding, marketing studies and sales. He is a founding member of the Canadian Microelectronics Consortium and has served on many boards and advisory committees throughout his career.

Sean O'Driscoll: Senior Director for CSS Community and MVP Worldwide, Microsoft Corporation
Sean O'Driscoll is the Global Senior Director for the MVP Award Program at Microsoft Corporation. The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award recognizes exceptional technical community leaders who foster the free and objective exchange of knowledge by actively sharing their real world expertise with users and Microsoft. The MVP award is the way that Microsoft formally honors the accomplishments of these individuals for their contributions to community. As the Global Director, Sean is responsible for the worldwide team that identifies, awards, and engages over 3500 MVPs spanning over 90 Microsoft technologies and in over 90 countries.

Gordon Ross: Internet Filtering Pioneer, Biometrics / Security / Telecommunications / Ethics / Privacy Expert, Founder of Net Nanny; President of Virtual Perceptions Systems Inc.
Gordon Ross's career spans 30 years as an award-winning Internet filtering pioneer; Biometric technology, Computer security, and Telecommunications engineer; and as an internationally sought-after speaker. Mr. Ross is an expert on issues concerning the Internet, privacy, security, telecommunications and child safety. In 1994, Mr. Ross created, developed and designed the first filtering software for the Internet and led the development of Internet and Biometric security products. He established a solid market and brand leadership, beginning with the industry's first filtering product in January 1995 - Net Nanny.

Dr. Gary Birch: Executive Director of Neil Squire Society
Gary Birch was appointed Director of Research and Development at the Neil Squire Society in 1988 and then in 1994 was appointed Executive Director. He is responsible for the on-going operations at the Neil Squire Society including the supervision of a Research and Development team; the preparation and supervision of contract proposals and budgets for government sponsored service delivery projects; and the overall future direction and development of the Neil Squire Society.

Rick Maule: CE0, President and Chairman of the Board, NetEffect
Rick Maule is an experienced and proven leader as evidenced by the successful transition by NetEffect from InfiniBand to iWARP Ethernet technology. With more than 25 years experience in major corporations, start-ups and turnarounds in the computer and communications industry, Rick has served in various roles including general management, marketing and engineering.

Richard Giles: Noted Expert and Pioneer in Blogging, Podcasting, and New Media (Web 2.0)
Richard has been in the technology industry for more than 15 years. He started his career in the early nineties with the largest cell phone provider in the UK. After working for Sun Microsystems for almost 10 years, Richard set up his own consultancy,Clique Communications , to focus on authoring, consulting, and entrepreneurship. Richard now specializes in online social software, like Flickr, weblogging, and podcasting. He consults with many organizations, explaining the ramifications of technology on society and business.

Michael Vax: Industry Leading Vice President of Product Development at Blackboard (formerly WebCT)
Michael has spent more than 20 years in software development. During his career he has worked as a developer, an architext, a development manager, a director of development, a VP of Development, and a CTO. He is currently the Vice President of Product Development at Balckboard (formerly WebCT) ( - the world's leading providers of e-learning systems that are used by thousands of colleges and universities in more than 70 countries worldwide. Michael is a member of Agile Alliance ( software development in Vancouver. He is interested in career development and mentoring; he often speaks to computer science students about career development in the high tech industry. Michael founded and operates a web site

Mervyn Adrian: Senior Vice-President, Forrester Research
During 2004 and 2005, Merv was responsible for overseeing and facilitating collaboration of all Forrester research efforts within the Application Development and Infrastructure, Computing Systems, Enterprise Applications, Information Delivery, IT Management & Services, and Telecom & Networks research teams. His role now focuses on developing Research offerings to address the go-to-market challenges of high-tech vendors. He maintains high-level relationships with numerous user and vendor clients including IBM, Hewlett-Packard, SAP, Oracle, and Microsoft. Merv's former areas of coverage as an analyst include data management, application architexture, IT industry trends, and vendor strategies.

Nestor J. Portillo: Regional Manager, Americas Region MVP Worldwide, Microsoft Corporation
Nestor Portillo is the Americas Regional Manager of the CSS Communities and MVP Program at Microsoft Corporation. The CSS Communities and MVP Program is primarily responsible for the relationship management of key community influencers in Canada, US and Latin America awarded Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) by Microsoft.

Derick Wong: Noted Security Authority and Senior Security Product Manager, Microsoft Canada
As senior security product manager with Microsoft Canada, Derick Wong is responsible for developing strategic marketing initiatives for security products that are part of the Windows Server System. A crucial part of his role is to educate customers and partners on industry trends and issues, and key security product developments at Microsoft. Derick has worked for over eleven years in the Canadian IT security sector. He brings extensive knowledge of enterprise security solutions and best-practice security consulting services to his current position. Look for Derick's presentation on: The Top Ten IT Security Threats and How to Avoid Them at the INFORMATICS 2006 Conference held in Victoria May 28th to 30th.

Paul Bassett, I.S.P. (ret.): Leading Software Engineer and Computer Science Authority
Paul has over 35 years of academic and industrial software engineering experience. He taught computer science at York University for seven years, co-founded Sigmatics Computer Corporation and Netron Inc. (two on-going software engineering companies), and for over twenty years he helped governments and businesses to improve their software development tools and techniques. He is currently a senior consultant with the Cutter Consortium Paul received the Information Technology Innovation Award from the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS) for his invention of frame technology. He later co-chaired their Certification Council, was a member of their Accreditation Council, and now helps to accredit honours programs in computer science and software engineering, as well as chairing the CIPS Committee on Software Engineering Issues.

S. "Soma" Somasegar - Corporate Vice President, Developer Division, Microsoft
"Soma" Somasegar is corporate vice president of the Developer Division at Microsoft Corporation. The Developer Division is primarily responsible for all the developer-related languages, tools and platforms within Microsoft, including Visual Studio, Web Platform and Tools, .NET Framework, Common Language Runtime (CLR) and other .NET Developer Platform technologies. In addition, he oversees the India Development Center (IDC) in Hyderabad, India. Somasegar frequently shares his thoughts with the developer community via a blog on

Dr. Norm Archer: Professor Emeritus in the Management Science and Information Systems Area of the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University
Dr. Norm Archer is Professor Emeritus in the Management Science and Information Systems Area of the DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, Canada. He is also Special Advisor to the McMaster eBusiness Research Centre (MeRC), which he founded in 1999 as its first director. From December 2000 to his retirement in July 2002 as a Full Professor, he held the Wayne C. Fox Chair in Business Innovation. He is currently involved in a variety of activities in research, consulting, teaching, and supervising graduate student research on eBusiness topics. He plays a key role as the coordinator of eCommerce research in the Ontario Research Network for Electronic Commerce (ORNEC) where MeRC is an important member. He has been responsible for organizing an annual symposium on supply chain management, jointly sponsored by MeRC, ORNEC, and the Purchasing Management Association of Canada.

Guy Kawasaki: Chairman and Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures
Guy Kawasaki, Chairman and Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, a seed-stage and early-stage venture capital fund. Garage looks to invest in special entrepreneurs who have big ideas and who need seed capital to turn their ideas into action. They see the world for what it could be. Formerly Guy Kawasaki provided advice in a Q&A format for however in 2006, Guy's focus has been his immensely popular blog: Guy is the author of eight books including The Art of the Start, Rules for Revolutionaries, How to Drive Your Competition Crazy, Selling the Dream, and The Macintosh Way.

Guy Kawasaki: Chairman and Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures
Guy Kawasaki, Chairman and Managing Director of Garage Technology Ventures, a seed-stage and early-stage venture capital fund. Interview also includes China-based questions.

Patricia MacInnis: Editor Computing Canada
Computing Canada (CC) is the oldest, largest and most influential bi-weekly news publication whose broad audience of 42,000 includes a large segment of the IT managers and decisions-makers in medium to large enterprises in corporate Canada. Established in 1975, it is Canada's longest-standing business technology publication and is considered the best source of news and analysis on technology issues that matter to Canadian businesses. Computing Canada has the largest editorial team of any Canadian publication in its category, reporting and investigating on news, topics and concerns that affect the management of information systems departments in business, government and educational organizations.

Ben Grebinski: Superintendent of School Operations, Administrative Services and Technology, Regina Catholic Schools
Ben Grebinski was the recipient of the 2005 Computing Canada IT Leadership: IT Executive of the Year Award. He is currently a superintendent for Regina Catholic Schools in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. His educational career spans twenty-nine years and includes experience as a high school teacher, assistant principal, principal, athletic coach, and systems trainer. He has worked as a lecturer in the College of Education and Graduate Studies Program at the University of Regina. He currently serves on several provincial educational review committees and is a member of the University of Regina Senate. Throughout his career, Ben has focused on school improvement, with the conviction that every child can learn. The work of Dr. Larry Lezotte of Effective Schools, Inc. has deeply influenced Ben's approach to school reform. Ben has used the tenets of Effective Schools as well as other school improvement models, including Professional Learning Communities at Work (PLC). He developed an improvement framework with accountability that paid off in dramatic improvement in student accomplishment.

Ross Mayfield: Serial Entrepreneur, Founder and CEO of
Ross Mayfield is an entrepreneur and leader in Web 2.0, and founder and CEO of He has over 10 years of startup executive management experience and a focus on helping people and companies communicate effectively. Most recently, Mayfield served as VP of Marketing for a Fujitsu spinout developing enterprise software for the telecommunications industry, and as Interim VP of Marketing for an Immersive Group Simulation provider to military and homeland defense markets. Mayfield co-founded and served as President of RateXchange (AMEX:RTX), the leading B2B commodity exchange for telecom. His management of marketing led to majority market share, perceived leadership in its market category and recognition by Forbes as "The Best of the Web.

Dennis McPeak: Technical Architext, RBC Financial Group
Dennis McPeak is a Project Manager and Technical Specialist with 20 years experience in Financial Information Systems application development and maintenance. Dennis is currently with the Finance Solutions team at the RBC Financial Group. In 2005, Dennis and his team were the recipients of the 2005 Computing Canada IT Leadership Awards: Project Team of the Year Award.

Trevor Eddolls: IT Analyst, Author, Editor, Trainer, Lecturer and Consultant
Trevor Eddolls is Founder and CEO of iTech-Ed Ltd. Trevor has written a number of books and large number of articles on what's happening in the computer industry. He has edited Xephon's technical Update journals for 20 years and authoring credits include: VM Performance Management; Introduction to VM; and ASO: Automated Systems Operations for MVS. He has written and produced user surveys such as MVS Automated Operations Software and The Help Desk in Practice. Moreover, he has chaired numerous seminars and lectured extensively in the UK, Europe, and the Middle East. He had three articles published Technical Support Journal in 2005. To find current information about Trevor's activities go to

Laura Chappell: Internationally Renowned Sr. Protocol/Security Analyst and Founder of the Protocol Analysis Institute LLC, and Co-founder of the Internet Safety for Kids Project
Laura Chappell is Founder and Senior Protocol/Security Analyst for the Protocol Analysis Institute, LLC ( and a widely regarded speaker and best-selling author of numerous industry titles on network communications and analysis. She is recipient of the NPA "2005 International Professional Excellence and Innovation Award - Independent Contractor".

Ilya Bukshteyn: Director of Communications, SQL Server, Microsoft Corp.
This podcast [audio] interview with Ilya Bukshteyn from Microsoft Corporation is a follow-up to a text-based interview. As the Director of Communications for SQL Server, Ilya Bukshteyn manages a team responsible for advertising, customer referencing, messaging, PR, and Web presence for the SQL Server products and technologies.

Roger Sessions: World's Foremost Expert in High-End Distributed Software Architextures
Roger Sessions: the world's foremost expert in high-end distributed software architextures and the originator of The Software Fortress Model (SFM) for Service-Oriented Architextures.

Joe Horvath: Founding Partner of the 2005 Impact Award Winner, iFusion Solutions Inc.
Joe Horvath is head of sales and business development at iFusion, a top 3 MS CRM provider in Canada. He has over 8 years of global experience in the CRM industry. Prior to iFusion, Joe spent over 4 years at Pivotal Corporation including 2 years in the Asia Pacific region. During his time in Pivotal's Sydney office, Joe helped the corporation successfully develop their Asia Pacific operations contributing to over 3 million in revenue. In Pivotal North America, he played a key role in the development and delivery of mid-enterprise industry specific applications for the Financial Services sector.

Mary Jean Kucerk, CAE: Executive Director, Canadian Information Processing Society
Mary Jean Kucerak is the Executive Director for the Canadian Information Processing Society (CIPS). She is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the CIPS National Office and management of the Association. She also co-chairs the Finance Committee, the Advocacy Committee, and the National Constitution Committee. She serves as the National Registrar for the certified professional Information Systems Professional designation (otherwise known as the "I.S.P."), and is the individual accountable for the association's privacy policies. She is also President of PDit Canada Inc., a subsidiary of CIPS that oversees the association's Professional Development offerings. The interview focus will be the INFORMATIC 2006 Conference.

Bruce Schneier: World's Foremost Security Technologist; Celebrated Recipient of the Secure Computing Lifetime Achievement Award; InfoWorld's CTO of the Year
Bruce Schneier, world's foremost security technologist, and Founder and Chief Technical Officer for Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. Due to his world-renowned expertise, Bruce has testified before the Homeland Security Subcommittee and has provided his elite services to groups as diverse as the American Civil Liberties Union and the Electronic Frontier Foundation. Bruce is at the forefront of security technologies and processes, including inventing outsourced security monitoring and the Blowfish and Twofish encryption algorithms. Bruce's free monthly e-mail newsletter, Crypto-Gram is the most widely read security newsletter, with more than 120,000 readers.

Rosaleen Citron: Eminent International Security Authority, Acclaimed Top-Ranking Entrepreneur and Executive, and CEO of WhiteHat Inc.
Rosaleen Citron is the Chief Executive Officer of WhiteHat Inc., an industry leading Information Technology Security Provider. Ms. Citron oversees the overall vision of the company within marketing, partnerships, alliance programs and supplier relationships. She is actively involved in the public media, and corporate awareness programs helping their partners and the public understand the need for security in today's high-tech marketplace. As an active member of the Computer Security Institute (CSI), the Information System Security Association (ISSA), and the Women's Executive Network, Ms. Citron is actively pursued for speaking engagements. As a result of Ms. Citron's widely respected elite expertise in security and business, she keynotes at numerous conferences around the globe, including at the 2005 e-Financial WorldExpo, October 27-28 in Toronto.

Ilya Bukshteyn: Director of Communications, SQL Server, Microsoft Corporation
As the Director of Communications for SQL Server, Ilya Bukshteyn manages a team responsible for advertising, customer referencing, messaging, PR, and Web presence for the SQL Server products and technologies. Ilya has been with Microsoft since 1994, originally joining Microsoft Canada as a Senior Consultant with Microsoft Consulting Services, and later moving to Microsoft's corporate campus in Redmond as a Lead Program Manager within the MSDN (Microsoft Developer Network) group. In 2000, Ilya was a Group Program Manager with the .NET Developer Solutions Group at Microsoft Corp., managing a team responsible for delivering technical expertise and architextural guidance to Microsoft's corporate customers. Ilya most recently worked as the Director of Product Management for Windows Server, focused on understanding the server infrastructure requirements of Microsoft's IT customers.

Dr. Maria Klawe: Distinguished, Celebrated, World-Renowned Computer Scientist, past Dean of Science at the University of British Columbia and current Dean of Engineering and Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University
Dr. Maria Klawe is currently Dean of Engineering and a professor of Computer Science at Princeton University. Maria has made significant research contributions in several areas of mathematics and computer science including functional analysis, discrete mathematics, theoretical computer science, interactive-multimedia for mathematics education and assistive technology. While at UBC she was the founder and director of the EGEMS project on the design and use of computer games in enhancing mathematics education for grades 4 to 9. More recently she helped found the Aphasia Project, a multidisciplinary project at UBC and Princeton, investigating how technology can be designed to support individuals with aphasia in their daily life.

Richard Giles: International Authority in Technology, the Internet, New Media, and Marketing
Richard is an internationally recognized expert in technology, gadgets, the internet, new media, and marketing with more than 15 years experience in the industry. Richard works for Sun Microsystems in Australia, helping corporations in their use of technology in business. He is the host of The Gadget Show, and author of several books including the Podcasting Pocket Guide from O'Reilly Media, Inc., as well as the upcoming Whole Internet Guide to Podcasts and Internet Audio, and How to Use Flickr: The Digital Photography Revolution.

Jeff Young: Top-tier Expert in Entertainment and New Media, Professor, Lawyer
Jeff Young...has been a lawyer for 17 years, beginning in corporate and real estate law, and leading to Intellectual Property, Entertainment and Media Law matters. Jeff is also a college professor of Entertainment and Media. He currently teaches Law and New Media, Film Law, and Music Industry Deal-making for the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and is the head of the Entertainment Business Management Program at the Vancouver Film School. In addition to his legal and teaching careers, Jeff is also a music producer and composer with credits on projects delivered to Warner, Universal, CBC, CTV, NBC, Global and the Knowledge Network. He was also credited on the production of the music and sound mixes for three major video games - Dark Angel, The Hulk and The Simpson's Hit and Run.

James Behrens: Renowned Entrepreneur, Visionary and CEO of Orb
James Behrens...CEO of Orb Networks, is a successful entrepreneur working on his sixth start-up company - three of which are now public companies and the other two were acquired by other technology companies.

Rick Bruner: Renowned International Expert in Internet Marketing Research, Celebrated Author/Editor/Journalist and Research Director, DoubleClick
Rick DoubleClick's Research Director and an internationally renowned expert in internet marketing research and is also a noted author.

Andrea Klein: Top-ranking International Expert in Financial Services and Vice-President, Financial Services, Oracle Corporation
Andrea the vice president for financial services industry strategy and marketing for Oracle Corporation. Ms. Klein has extensive leadership and strategic experience in design, development and implementation of payments and intra-day liquidity management systems. She has successfully led a team in developing and delivering a global integrated payment solution, and in the design of an enterprise wide risk management system.

Michael Coady: World Renowned Security Expert and Vice President with Computer Associates Int. Security Practice
Michael a Vice President with Computer Associates Int. Security Practice with 17 years of Privacy and Technology experience. During the past 12 years he has worked with two Big Five Firms and led Forensics and Security investigations both in the public and private sector. Michael has worked with Computer Task Forces around the world and has developed an enterprise security methodology to help mitigate risks to companies.

Rosaleen Citron: Eminent International Security Authority, Acclaimed Top-Ranking Entrepreneur and Executive, and CEO of WhiteHat Inc.
Rosaleen the Chief Executive Officer of WhiteHat Inc., an industry leading Information Technology Security Provider. Ms. Citron oversees the overall vision of the company within marketing, partnerships, alliance programs and supplier relationships. She is actively involved in the public, media and corporate awareness programs helping their partners and the public to understand the need for security in today's high-tech marketplace.

Richard MacKellar: Visionary, Entrepreneur, and Founder/CEO of Brightside Technologies
Richard founder and CEO of Brightside Technologies. Brightside Technologies is commercializing research from the Structured Surface Physics Laboratory of the University of British Columbia. The company has been receiving wide recognition for its continuing renovation towards a final commercial high dynamic range display product, being introduced this year.

Roger Sessions: World-Renowned, World's Foremost Expert in High-End Distributed Software Architextures
Roger Sessions... is the world's foremost expert in high-end distributed software architextures and the originator of The Software Fortress Model (SFM) for Service-Oriented Architextures.

Randy Cassingham: Celebrated humorist, journalist, author, publisher; World-Renowned Internet and technology expert; Founder:,,,;...
Randy an author and publisher of the highly successful newsletter and websites, This is True ( and the True Stella Awards ( He is also the founder of HeroicStories (, and the Spam Primer (

Bob Kraus: Recipient 2005 NPA International "Professional Excellence and Innovation Award - Corporate Small Business"
Bob Kraus...after serving with distinction in the US Navy as an Electronics Technician, he taught in private post-secondary colleges where he designed curricula and ultimately managed PC Repair and Network Specialist programs in five campuses. His distinguished service and work history led him to the Washington Inventory Service (WIS) where he contributes as a Network Services/PC Repair Supervisor.

David Sanders, MVP: Founding Visionary and President of Culminis - Bringing IT Together
Dave Sanders...Microsoft Most Valued Professional (MVP) recipient, founding visionary and president of Culminis, the world's largest IT Pro organization. Culminis brings together and unites into an alliance, IT Pros from user group organizations/societies/associations, corporations, and in academia.

Thomas Moore: Top-tier Developer, Consultant, Trainer, Author
Thomas Moore...(MCSE, MCSA, MCDBA, MCSD, MCT, CTT+, Net+, CSE, Computer Programming Technician RPG, Data Processing Technician COBOL, Systems Analyst, Mainframe Chief Operator, Computer Science Coordinator, Tech Education/LAN Manager), has been in the computer industry for more than 25 years. Tom has a wide variety of expertise in all hardware environments and with most Microsoft Server products. He is currently a Developer/Technical Consultant for Diamond Municipal solutions in Paris, Ontario, Canada. He has many writing and editorial credits, his latest offering is: "MCAD/MCSE/MCDBA 70-229 Exam Cram 2: Designing & Implementing Databases with SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Edition". This comprehensive reference guide also comes with the popular "Cram Sheet" tear card for your last minute cram sessions, and the accompanying CD includes a practise test engine powered by Measureup.

Dr. Marco Iansiti: Harvard Professor, Internationally Recognized, World-Renowned Technology and Operations Management Authority
Marco Iansiti...David Sarnoff Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School (HBS). Professor Iansiti is a faculty member in the Technology and Operations Managment Unit. He is a world-renowned expert and prolific author/researcher who defines with new prospective the critical elements and strategic and innovative approach that companies like IBM, Wal-Mart, Microsoft, eBay along with many others have adopted to outperform their competitors.

Laura Chappell: Internationally Renowned Sr. Protocol/Security Analyst and Founder of the Protocol Analysis Institute; Recipient 2005 NPA International "Professional Excellence and Innovation Award - Independent Network Contractor"
Laura founder and Senior Protocol/Security Analyst for the Protocol Analysis Institute, LLC, ( She is a widely regarded speaker and best-selling author of numerous industry titles on network communications and analysis. Her top-ranking speaking engagements include Microsoft's Technet and TechEd Conferences, Novell's BrainShare Conferences, and the HP Enterprise Technical Symposium.  She is also Founder and Technical Advisor for, an Internet- based publishing company focused on packet-level communications and security. In 2005, Ms. Chappell released her Master Library encompassing all books, self-study courses, video-courses and trace file interpretations (see Through the Protocol Analysis Institute, LLC, Chappell founded the Internet Safety for Kids program in 2005. This program provides education and presentation services on online predators, safe Internet communications and parental and law enforcement resources (

Sean Curry: Manager, Infrastructure Engineering Calpine Corporation; Recipient 2005 NPA International "Professional Excellence and Innovation Award - Corporate Fortune X"
Sean Curry...Manager of Infrastructure Engineering at Calpine Corporation. Calpine's engineering team developed and implemented a Wide Area Network (WAN) optimization project that boosted network performance by 250% and  slashed operating costs by 75%.

James Zhang: Top-ranking China Internet/E-commerce Entrepreneur and Startup company Management Authority Shares his Keys to Success in the World's Fastest Growing Marketplace
James Zhang...has a long 18 year record of accomplishment in China, the world's most dynamic, rapid growth marketplace. Celebrated as one of the most successful entrepreneurs in China, James founded E-Channel Consulting Co. Ltd. in 1995 which became . Serving as President, CEO, and Board Member of Corp., James innovated a new campus recruiting business model, launched the first Job Index in China, the first Online Salary Survey, and the widely media reported "Most Famous Employers..." program. Due to's status as one of China's leading online Recruiting/HR Services companies, in 2005,, the world's largest recruiting company, acquired a 40% stake in the company.

Dr. Lindsay Redpath: Executive Director of the top-ranking Centre for Innovative Management (CIM), Athabasca University (AU)
Dr. Redpath received the Craig Cunningham Memorial Award for teaching excellence, a tribute to her dedication to high quality online education, a priority that she continues to promote in her role as Executive Director of the Centre for Innovative Management at Athabasca University (AU).

Ken Poorman: 2005 NPA International "Professional Excellence and Innovation Award in Education" Recipient; University of Phoenix Chair for IS & IT, San Diego Campus
Ken Poorman...University of Phoenix Chair for Information Sciences and Information Technology and recipient of the 2005 NPA International Professional Excellence and Innovation Award in Education, given out at the world's largest networking industry conference, Networld+Interop Las Vegas. The Award is sponsored by the Network Professional Association with cooperation and support including from Networld+Interop, Microsoft, Que/SAMS (Pearson Technology Publishing), Network Computing Magazine, Network World Magazine, Novell Canada,

Brian Vink: Respected Expert; Vice President of Marketing, iAnywhere Solutions
Brian Vice President of Marketing of iAnywhere Solutions, a subsidiary of Sybase, Inc., which is one of the premier providers of solutions that enable anywhere, anytime access to enterprise information. iAnywhere holds the number one market leadership position in the mobile database, mobile middleware, and mobile device management markets. Brian is an active member of a variety of industry and community associations including a board member of the Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) Software Division.

Manfred Reitenspiess: Renowned Expert and Director Business Development RTP 4 Continuous Services, Fujitsu Siemens Computers
Dr. Reitenspiess is Director Business Development of SAFE 4 Continuous Services (SAFE4CS) at Fujitsu Siemens Computers in Munich, Germany. SAFE4CS is a high-availability middle-ware to address the growing demand for carrier-grade applications and services in the telecommunications and e/m-commerce markets. In 2004, Manfred served as elected President on the Service Availability Forum,, an industry consortium of leading communications and computing companies that are focused on creating and promoting open, standard service availability programming interface specifications for on-demand, uninterrupted communications services. Manfred contributes his world-renowned expertise in program committees and as an organizer of national and international symposia (e.g. ISAS 2004 in Munich, Germany) in the security and advanced telecommunications areas. Manfred is also co-author of patents in the area of communication and information convergence.

Tanuj Raja: Leading Wireless Authority and Vice President of Business Development at Sandbridge Technologies, Inc.
Mr. Tanuj Raja is Vice President of Business Development at Sandbridge Technologies, Inc. which is pioneering SDR (Software Defined Radio) based reprogrammable baseband processors for wireless handsets. Tanuj has authored and co-authored numerous journal and conference papers. He has extensive business development experience in Asia Pacific and Europe, and has successfully developed wireless business opportunities with many Asian, European US Companies. In 2003, he was invited to join HY-SDR's (SDR Research Center, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea), as an executive committee member.

Sumit Deshpande: Top Ranking Authority in Mobile/Wireless Technology; Vice President of The Wireless Solutions Group, Office of CTO, Computer Associates
Sumit vice president of the Wireless Solutions group in the Office of the CTO, Computer Associates. He is involved in defining and communicating CA's global strategy for wireless technology, as well as the research and development of new solutions. His articles and interviews on wireless and other topics have been published in several technical publications. Many of his white papers and technical notes are available at

Jill Stelfox: Visionary and Widely-Respected Wireless Authority/Entrepreneur; CEO Defywire
Jill Stelfox...founder and CEO of Defywire, Inc., a high growth mobile software company based in Herndon, Virginia, is truly a driver in the wireless technology revolution. In the highly competitive and crowded wireless software space, her steadfast leadership and aggressive vision have enabled this A-round company to secure eight important customers (including three Fortune 200 companies) and seven million dollars in funding in its first year of operation.

Chuck Eglinton: Famed Programmer, eBay Expert, Publisher, Entrepreneurial Pioneer
As an eBay user since 1997, Chuck Eglinton achieved eBay Power Seller status in 1998 and has a positive feedback ranking of more than 3,300 points. As an "auction sniping" pioneer, his website places last minute "snipes" for tens of thousands of eBay bidders. His software, in current form, at, was one of the first fill-in-the-blanks software programs designed to create custom eBay item listings and has a proven record of more than 5 million eBay listings to date. He also publishes a free email newsletter about online auctions a

Adam C. Engst - Macintosh Luminary and Noted Authority, Best-selling Author, Much-admired Contributing Editor/Writer, and Venerated Publisher
Adam C. Engst is consistently ranked worldwide as one of the most influential Macintosh authorities. He is the celebrated publisher of the multi-award winning TidBITS, one of the oldest and most respected Internet-based newsletters. He has written numerous technical books, including the best-selling Internet Starter Kit series; his most recent, "iPhoto for Mac OS X: Visual QuickStart Guide".

Widely Respected, Top-Echelon IT Executive and Authority
Peter Grant, I.S.P., is Deputy Director and CIO of the British Columbia Securities Commission, the independent provincial government agency responsible for regulating trading in securities within BC. His extensive background involves every rung of the IT career ladder: programmer, programmer/analyst, systems administrator, database administrator, technical consultant, group leader, project manager, manager of systems development, manager of information systems and now chief information officer.

Dori Smith: Internationally Respected and Widely Acknowledged Internet Authority, Author, Speaker, Technologist, Web Developer
Dori's best selling book credits include: "JavaScript for the WWW: Visual QuickStart Guide, 5th edition", "Mac OS X Unwired," "Java 2 for the WWW: Visual QuickStart Guide." She has written numerous authoritative print and online magazine articles. She is a frequent speaker at industry conferences and is a member of the Web Standards Project Steering Committee. She maintains the Backup Brain weblog, and is also the List Mom for the Wise-Women mailing lists.

Phil Hord: Distinguished Developer, Award-Winning Innovator, Entrepreneur
 Phil is an award winning, widely regarded developer with a 20-year history in software engineering. He is well respected for his in-depth knowledge, commitment to quality and service to the developer community and to technology users. He is a Certified Master C/C++ and Windows programmer having outscored 99.7% of all C++ testers in the U.S.

Ross Chevalier - CTO/CIO Novell Canada, Top-Ranking IT Authority
Ross Chief Technology Officer and Chief Information Officer, he is responsible for managing Novell Canada's technology and solutions architexture team and participating in the strategic directions for the corporation. Ross continues to share his considerable experience and expertise by speaking at IT conferences and Expos. An avid reader, he is the editor of the one Net news for Technology Professionals, an electronic publication targeting IT personnel, systems engineers and architexts across Canada.

Cathie Walker: "The Queen of the Internet"
Cathie Walker...award winning technologist, Internet Entrepreneur, writer, creative director, producer, marketing/promotion authority, and humourist. Cathie is founder and owner of SillyGirl Productions ( which is involved in web design, creative direction, marketing, and promotion services, and she is founder of, an interactive humour community. Together with being a member of the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences, Cathie is an online entertainment producer for Intermix Media, Inc. L.A. 

Kit Cassingham: Internet Entrepreneur and International B&B Authority shares her secrets
Kit Cassingham...was the first consultant to move her operations online in a big way ( A former B&B innkeeper and broker, Kit helped numerous people buy and sell B&Bs, and still consults with buyers and sellers. She also offers seminars - face-to-face and online, consulting, and eBooks. Part of her online services includes her monthly industry articles and an innkeeping forum.

Kee Nethery: Inventor, Accomplished Developer, Founder and President of Kagi
Kee Nethery...founded Kagi in 1994 and developed the initial systems for the company. Kagi, which means "key" in Japanese, is a leading provider of patented end-to-end outsourced electronic commerce solutions that operate online stores for software publishers and sellers of hard goods. Their technology and tools provide a broad range of services, including online store development and deployment, store sales processing, worldwide payment processing, delivery of digital goods, integration to physical fulfillment providers, fraud protextion, and outsourced sales service.

Michael Worth: Internet Entrepreneur and Founder of Crew Tags Int'l, LLC
Michael Worth...founder of Crew Tags Int'l, LLC (, the world's largest manufacturer of luggage tags for airline flight crews and travelers, currently serving customers in more than 50 different countries. He also provides RSS news feed, Travel Tips & Tricks.

Jack Sebbag: Top-security Expert; Canadian VP and General Manager, McAfee, Inc.
Jack Sebbag...Canadian general manager and vice-president of McAfee, Inc. (NYSE: MFE), is responsible for the company's sales and marketing for all business units for the Canadian market place. He is the primary spokesperson in Canada for McAfee and regularly speaks at conferences, universities and trade shows about security issues.

Internationally Renowned Publishing, Marketing, Media Authority, and Founder of MarketingSherpa
Anne Holland...Publisher of MarketingSherpa Inc. (, a privately held company with the mission of helping marketers, advertisers and PR pros improve results by publishing real-world marketing data and Case Studies. Their most recent work, "Landing Page Handbook", is a value-packed 190 page guide which provides the Eyetracking Study and case study data on improving (web) landing-page conversions by up to 40%.

Chris Pirillo: Celebrated Founder and Publisher of
Chris internationally celebrated technologist, television host, columnist, blogger, author, and entrepreneurial visionary. He is founder and publisher of, a technology website and content publishing company with over 1,000,000 subscribers worldwide.

Mark Gerson: Chairman and CEO of the Gerson Lehrman Group
Mark Chairman and CEO of the Gerson Lehrman Group, the world's leading knowledge services provider, facilitating customized research by deploying the world's best experts to meet their clients specialized needs.

Anne P. Mitchell: President and CEO, Institute for Spam and Internet Public Policy
Anne P. Mitchell, Esq. an internationally renowned attorney and anti-spam authority and is President and CEO of the Institute for Spam and Internet Public Policy (ISIPP).  Anne has actively consulted on legislative anti-spam issues on a state and national level.

Gary Rosenzweig: Internationally Renowned Multimedia Authority, Author, and Game Developer
Gary Rosenzweig...Chief Engineer, founder and owner of CleverMedia, a game, and multimedia development company. He has written 10 books on Macromedia Director and Flash. Gary is also the founder and inspirational talent behind Developer Dispatch, which provides news and notes for Macromedia Director and Flash Developers.

Ilya Bukshteyn: Internationally renowned Technology Authority Shares his Views
Ilya Bukshteyn...Director, Product Management, Windows Server Program at Microsoft Corporation.

Trevor Eddolls: Internationally-renowned Senior IT Analyst, Author, Editor, Trainer, Lecturer and Consultant
Trevor Eddolls...authoring credits include VM Performance Management; Introduction to VM; and ASO: Automated Systems Operations for MVS. Editing credits include: Mainframe News, Mainframe Week, Mainframe Month, AIX Update, DB2 Update, MVS Update, CICS Update, MQ Update, RACF Update and TCT/SNA Update.  He has written and produced user surveys such as MVS Automated Operations Software and The Help Desk in Practice. He has chaired numerous seminars and lectured extensively in the UK, Europe, and the Middle East.

Mike Stonebraker: World-renowned Database Legend
Mike Stonebraker...professor at MIT and widely acknowledged as the world's foremost database expert, brings a long history of outstanding database research, entrepreneurial achievement and experience to his ventures.  He is founder and CTO of StreamBase Systems, Inc. which will revolutionalize the handling of data streams allowing real-time message correlation/analysis and queries on data flows. This year, Dr. Stonebraker received the 2005 IEEE John von Neuman Medal, which is the IEEE's most prestigious technical honor.

John Coggeshall: Internationally Respected Developer/Technical Consultant for Zend Technologies
John a Technical Consultant for Zend Technologies where he provides professional services to clients around the world. He is author of two books and over 100 articles on PHP technologies. John is also an active contributor to the PHP core as the author of the tidy extension, a member of the Zend Education Advisory Board, and a frequent speaker at PHP related conferences worldwide. His web site, is an excellent resource for any PHP developer.

Roy Levien: Internationally Renowned Business Consultant, Author
Roy Levien...Inventor at Intellectual Ventures, an intellectual property fund, and the Manager and Principal of Keystone Advantage LLC, a strategy and technology consultancy. Recent works  include, "The Keystone Advantage: What the New Dynamics of Business Ecosystems Mean for Strategy Innovation and Sustaintability" (with M. Iansiti, Harvard Business School Press), and the article, "The Ecology of Strategy" (also with Professor Iansiti, Harvard Business Review).

Michael Robertson: Internationally renowned Visionary, Technology Authority, and Entrepreneur shares his views
Michael Robertson...founder and CEO of Linspire, Inc., the leading software company supporting a full desktop, Linux-based product line. He is also CEO of a company that harnesses the power of the Internet to allow customers to make free long distance calls.

Stephan Richter: Open Source Zope Luminary, Developer, and Authority
Stephan Richter...a developer and well-known contributor within the Zope community has been involved with Zope since 1999. He has been involved in  Zope community activities such as documentation and organizing the first EuroZope conference, plus working with Zope solution providers, developing add-on products, publishing books on Zope and taking a lead on Zope 3 sub-projects.

Jack Messman: Chairman and CEO of Novell shares his views
Jack Messman...Chairman and CEO of Novell, brings a long history of senior executive achievement and experience to Novell from leading top companies in the technology, energy, and entertainment/broadcasting fields.

International Management Authority Shares His Views
Ike Hall...AUMBA/CIM respected mentor, faculty, and coach; Program Head of the BBA Program at the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT)

Chairman of the Network Professional Association - the Leading Organization for Network Computing Professionals
James Belasco...Chairman of board of directors for the Network Professionals Association, the global voice of the networking industry and international advocate for the network computing professional.

Noted Expert in Networking, Security, and Internet Technology, and Successful Writer, Speaker, and Educator
Michael Gregg...President of Superior Solutions, Inc., is a noted authority on security, networking, and internet technologies. He is a networking and security expert for and He is a successful educator, speaker, and writer.

Internationally Recognized, Widely Respected Security Authority and Editor of Secure Enterprise
Mike Fratto...Editor of Secure Enterprise and widely respected security authority. A sought-after speaker, he has presented at several conference including NetWorld+Interop and MISTI (Internet Security Conference).

Internationally Regarded Top-Ranking Group Editorial Director of Industry Leading Publications
Rob Preston is the editor-in-chief for Network Computing, but also serves in a larger fashion as Editorial Director of the Network Computing Enterprise Architexture Group, which includes Network Magazine, Intelligent Enterprise, Secure Enterprise, and Storage Pipeline.

Leading International Authority in Eclipse and Acknowledged Expert in Enterprise Java and Object Oriented Technologies.
Carlos Valcarcel...Director of Technology at Trivera Technologies, is a highly regarded subject matter expert in the field of Enterprise Java and Object Oriented Technologies. Carlos has spent the bulk of his twenty year career, architexting and programming critical object-oriented business systems, utilizing his extensive skills in Java, J2EE and other leading-edge technologies. Read his recent book, "Eclipse Kick Start" (Sams), which focuses on the practical uses of Eclipse including plug-in creations and architexture.

A+ Certification Expert, Internationally renowned Researcher and Design Engineer, and Best-selling Author
Charles Brooks...A+ Certification expert, best-selling author, and internationally renowned researcher and design engineer. His latest book, "A+ Certification Exam Cram 2 PC Maintenance and Troubleshooting Field Guide", provides quick and easy access to installing, configuring, troubleshooting and repair information and is a great supplemental resource in exam studies for A+ candidates.

Successful Writer, Researcher, Publisher who is listed in Marquis Who's Who of American Women
Carol Anne a successful writer, researcher, and publisher who is listed in Marquis Who's Who of American Women. With clients ranging from individuals to Fortune 500 companies, she specializes in writing effectively and teaching others to do the same.

Recognized Expert in Field of Organization
Valentina a professional organizer and founder of SGRO Consulting, Solutions for Getting Really Organized, dedicated to assisting individuals and businesses to develop customized systems tailored to their unique personalities, atmospheres and situations, which results in increased productivity and reduced stress. She is a Certified Chronic Disorganization Specialist, a member of National Association of Professional Organizer's (NAPO) Golden Circle, and a former Executive Board member for the National Study Group on Chronic Disorganization (NSGCD).

Award-winning Graphic Designer and Expert in Adobe Illustrator CS and Adobe Creative Suite
Mordy an Adobe Certified Expert and Print Specialist and consultant specializing in the Adobe Creative Suite and Mac OS X migration. He is an author and has served as a hands on trainer and spoken at worldwide events and seminars. He has worked as product manager for Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Illustrator CS. In October 2003, in recognition of his extensive knowledge and contributions, he was named Champion of Graphic Design by Graphics IQ.

Respected Author and Expert on Information Delivery, Business Intelligence, and Enterprise Reporting Products
Neil and expert on Information delivery, Business Intelligence, and Enterprise reporting products, helps provide information solutions to Fortune 500 companies across North America by helping Business Objects clients understand the potential of Business Intelligence through the Crystal Suite of products.

Widely Regarded IT and Information Storage Specialist Shares His Extensive Business Expertise
Ron Durbin...Director of Industry Relations for the Information Storage Center (ISIC) at UCSD, and respected Information Systems professional, shares his extensive writing, marketing, and business expertise.

Successful Author, Software Consultant, and Developer
Mike an independent software consultant and developer, and a successful author of numerous books and articles in the area of database and development. He is lead developer and president of Larkware, Inc., a prolific author, and is also a contributing editor of Application Development Trends (ADT) and MCP Magazines and a columnist for MCP Magazine online. His professional website is at  To check out life at the far, see

Recognized WordPerfect Expert...
Laura Acklen...a WordPerfect Expert, who over the past ten years has authored or co-authored over fifteen books on WordPerfect. Her latest book, co-authored with Read Gilgen, "Special Edition Using WordPerfect 12", is crammed with tips, tricks, and practical examples that you won't find anywhere else.

A Pioneer in Digital Media on the PC and Respected Authority in Multimedia Presentations and PowerPoint
Tom of the pioneers in digital media on the PC, is a prolific writer, instructor, lecturer, consultant and a respected authority in multimedia presentations and PowerPoint.

"One of the greatest digerati" and amongst the "Top 25 Most Influential Women on the Web"
Molly E. Holzschlag...internationally renowned best-selling author, instructor, Web designer; steering committee member for Web Standards Project (WaSP); instructor of Webmaster courses for the University of Arizona, University of Phoenix, and Pima Community College; writer of, Integrated Design, for Web Techniques Magazine for the last three years of its life; former Executive Editor of

Internationally Recognized, Top-Level Consultant, Writer, Author, Public Speaker, and Webcaster on Microsoft Technologies
Kenton Gardinier...senior consultant with Convergent Computing; more then ten years designing business solutions worldwide; leader of early adopter engagements implementing products such as Windows Server 2003, Exchange Server 2003, and SharePoint Portal Server 2003

Mr. Excel, World's Foremost Spreadsheet Wizard
Bill Jelen...internationally acclaimed top authority on Excel; receives 10 million+ page views; writer/author/producer of books, CDs, message boards; developer of VBA/Macro-based business solutions

Internationally Known Authority on the Mac and FileMaker
Jesse author; member of the FileMaker Solutions Alliance

Leading Authority on the Mac Shares His Views
Brad author of Mac-related books; development and technical editor; featured speaker at Macworld Expo

Internationally Renowned Multimedia Authority
Gary Rosenzweig...Chief Engineer, founder, and owner of CleverMedia, a game and multimedia development company in Denver, Colorado; author of ten books on Macromedia Director and Flash.

Best-selling Author, and Famous, Top-ranking IT Authority Shares his Views
Paul McFedries...president of Logophilia Limited, a technical writing company; best-selling author of more than 40 books with nearly three million copies worldwide; proprietor of Word Spy, a Web site that generates over a million page views each month; and has won numerous awards.

Internationally Respected and Widely Regarded Author, Writer, Consultant
Michael Miller...internationally acclaimed, top authority; best-selling author/writer; President of The Molehill Group, a strategic consulting and authoring firm.

Widely Respected Leader in the Non-Profit Sector and Passionate Conservationist Shares His Views
Patrick W. Olenick...Director of Development, Ecotrust Canada

Internationally Respected and Widely Regarded Freelance Sound Designer, Audio Engineering Consultant, Music Composer
Jay Shaffer...20+ years in the recording industry including videos, films, and computer games; produced and recorded several award-winning albums; additional background in lighting design, scenic design, art direction; administers the web site.

Widely Regarded, Internationally Renowned Strategic Technology Consultant, Programmer, Author and Speaker
Harold Davis...noted authority on digital photography, wireless networking, web services, and programming methodologies.

Top-ranking IT Authority and Senior Executive
Joseph Dell...more than a decade of leading industry experience; noted author of security papers and articles; past manager of VeriSign Professional Services Security Services division (formerly SecureIT); now CTO of Vigilar, headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia.

Legendary and Internationally Acclaimed IT Authority Achieves Milestone
Ed Tittel...recipient of the 2004 Best Networking Professional, Career Achievement Award, from the Network Professional Association (NPA) in cooperation with NetWorld+Interop. Ed is a 20-year world-renowned expert in training, certification, IT technologies with over 130 books to his credit, innumerable articles, and an extensive background in program development, senior management, speaking, teaching, editing, consulting, and research.

Acclaimed Writer, Noted Video/Graphics Expert
Gerald Everett of more than 20 books on computer and business subjects; featured screenwriter; past director of the Independent Writers of Southern California (IW0SC); member of the Dramatists Guild and the Writers Guild of America; expert in computer graphics, industrial video, and website development; writer and executive producer of the InnRoom Shopping Network, a private TV channel in luxury hotels.

Noted Communications Expert, IT Authority, and Prolific Author
Shelley O'Hara...published author of more than 100 books including all-time bestsellers; more than a decade of freelance business consulting; expertise in writing, editing, designing, teaching, training, promoting - creating book series from initial concept to final product; career and personal coach.

Internationally-Acclaimed Author, Writer, Speaker, Programmer, and Applications Expert
Greg of the world's most prolific authors with more than 75 published internationally; acknowledged authority in programming and in applications; widely sought internationally renowned speaker/writer; sold more than two million computer books worldwide covering such diverse areas as operating systems and Visual Basic programming.

Celebrated IT Expert and Author Shares Her Views
Susan of numerous books/articles on database and Web technologies; noted independent consultant; Publications Director, Database Advisors at

Internationally Renowned Strategist and It Authority
Mitchell Levy is a strategist, educator and prognosticator helping companies succeed by putting tools in the hands of corporations/individuals that enable them to create their own success. He is a frequent media guest and a popular speaker, lecturing on business and management issues throughout the U.S. and around the world. He has started 10 companies/joint ventures since 1997 and has provided strategic consulting to over 100 companies.

Internationally-renowned Analyst: Trevor Eddolls
Trevor Eddolls...Internationally-renowned senior analyst, author, lecturer, consultant, editor--Xephon (UK)

World Renowned Top-Ranked Development Expert on ASP.NET and Microsoft Technologies
Stephen Walther...famed developer/author; lead developer on the ASP.NET Community Starter Kit, creator of the widely recognized Collegescape and CityAuction Websites; noted provider of elite ASP.NET training through

Acclaimed Writer, Editor, Journalist, Media Expert
Steve Kovsky...contributing editor for ZDNet AnchorDesk; Technology Commentator of KFWB News Radio 980 in Los Angeles; recognized expert in the creation of streaming media content; Vice President and Editorial Director of Centric Events Group.

World Authority/contributor to PHP Project and Apache Module Author
George; past senior architext at CommunityConnect Inc. - helped scale to 130 million dynamic PHP requests/day; author of Zend Engine extensions for PHP; development expert; principal at OmniTI Computer Consulting.

International Web Services Authority Provides Valued Expert Advice
Michael Liebow -Vice President of Web Services for IBM's Global Services Division views Web Services as the critical enabling technology for IBM's On Demand vision

Top-ranking Software Development Expert and Java Authority
Alan Moffet, more than 20 years of highly regarded experience in software development and management; Java development leader; noted author on Java-related topics and XML; member of the JCP

Noted Writer, Author, Software Engineer, and Mac OS Expert
Brian Tiemann -freelance technology columnist and software engineer who has written extensively in online magazines about the Macintosh, Apple software, and the philosophy of user-friendly design

Flash Expert Shares Secrets
David Vogeleer -acknowledged authority in Flash; Flash developer/instructor; author, speaker, writer; contributor to; co-administrator of

Mac Lover and Graphics Expert Shares Her Views
Kate Binder -Mac expert; author; she has written articles ongraphics, publishing, and photography for magazines includingPublish, PEI, and Desktop Publishers Journal

Widely Regarded Author, Journalist/Columnist, Editor, Consultant, Web Expert
Kate Chase -has more than 13 book credits in Web design, PC hardware, operating systems, and Windows applications. She is an avid FrontPage user and expert having managed online communities for American Online, MSN, and ZD-net

Respected Linux Expert, Writer, Author
Ken Burtch -using Linux since version 0.97; founder of PegaSoft Canada; active member of the Writers' Circle of Durham Region and his award-winning short story, "Distance", was recently published in the "Signatures" anthology

Renowned IT Authority and Software Expert
Wesley Bertch -Director of Information Systems for Life Time Fitness, one of the fastest-growing health, fitness and nutrition companies in the US. and fitness retailers in the US

Top-ranking IT Authority and Senior Executive
Bob Ferry -more than 20-years of leading industry experience; formerly President of Insight Information Inc.; past CIO at Sector Communications and Pathnet Telecommunications, and CTO at; past researcher in acoustic propagation models for the Navy; currently executive vice president and CIO of Deutsche Post Global Mail, Ltd. -the US division of Deutsche Post Global Mail, GmbH

Internationally Regarded Group Publisher, Noted Editor and Journalist, Top Ranking Senior Executive
Fritz Nelson -Vice President, Group Publisher for the Network Computing Enterprise Architexture Group responsible for the overall direction and management of the following media brands: Network Computing, Network Magazine, Intelligent Enterprise, Secure Enterprise, Storage Pipeline and Transform; previously, reviews editor, the features editor, executive editor, editor, and editor-in-chief for Network Computing

Top-ranking Authority and Researcher in C++, C#, Development, and Advanced Customizable User Interface Architextures
Mark Schmidt'software engineer at Hewlett-Packard researching in advanced customizable user interface architextures; noted author of articles and books on C# and C++; developer of a functional ASP.NET capable Web Server

Internationally Regarded 20-year Development Expert in C++, Java, C# .NET
Matt Weisfeld -noted author and writer; international conference speaker; authority in software development, project management, business development; member of the Information Technology Faculty at Cuyahoga Community College in Cleveland, Ohio

Internationally Authority in Pearl, PHP, Java, Lingo, AppleScript, html, Web Design, Web Developer, Trainer and Writer
Matt Zandstra -development expert; widely regarded writer/author/consultant; Technical Director, Corrosive Web Design Ltd. (

Internationally Acclaimed Microsoft FrontPage Authority and Web Expert
Paul Colligan -CEO of Inc. (, an online provider of consulting, technologies, and Web properties for Internet marketing; Webmaster of several popular Internet Marketing sites that include FrontPage World and You Can Sell Online ( and

Widely Respected and Noted Business Information Technology Authority, Project Management Expert, Author, Consultant
Gregory Horine -certified (PMP, CCP) business technology professional with more than fifteen years of consulting experience across multiple industries

Internationally Renowned Certification and Security Expert; Wireless Authority; Widely-regarded Writer, Author and Trainer
Will Schmied -operator of the certification portal, President of Area 51 Partners Inc.

Widely Respected Development Authority and PHP, MySQL, Apache, Internet-technologies Expert
Julie Meloni -highly-regarded Internet development expert; noted author and writer; Technical Director at i2i Interactive

Internationally Regarded Award-Winning IT Authority, Top Ranking Senior Executive
Jake Star -currently VP and Chief Information Security Executive for Mohegan Sun Resort, $1.3B operation, the world's most profitable casino/resort operation; achieved software development awards from PC Magazine, PC World, and Parent's Choice Foundation; Advisory Board Member for Network Computing Magazine

Top-flight Technical Editor / Author / Writer, Communications Instructor
Gina Carrillo...technical writer and editor of 10 years; technical communications instructor at the University of South Florida in Tampa; freelance author and technical editor for Que Publishing and Sams Publishing

World-renowned Hardware Expert and Authority on Data-Recovery
Scott Mueller -universally esteemed; considered the most authoritative, and trusted hardware voice with a highly respected international reputation; best-selling author of the highest selling essential guide in the history of hardware publishing; eminent training expert in PC hardware, operating systems, and data-recovery techniques; president of Mueller Technical Research.

World-Renowned 20-year Development Expert in C, Unix, Shell Programming, and Authority on ColdFusion
Stephen Kochan -is the best-selling author or co-author of eight classic books on C programming and Unix; former senior software consultant to the famous Bell Laboratories; co-inventor of the software patent for printing in reduced memory environments (PowerBand technology); currently president and founder of TechFitness.

Renowned International Development Expert on ASP.NET and Microsoft Technologies
Scott Mitchell -famed developer; noted author/writer; widely respected trainer and consultant; founder, editor, primary contributor to, one of the largest ASP resource sites.

World-renowned, Esteemed International Authority on Information Technology
Rand Morimoto -more than 25 years of top-ranking industry experience; best-selling author; celebrated conference speaker; prominent writer; cyber-expert to the White House; doctoral candidate; President of Convergent Computing

Internationally Known Development Authority and Expert in Web Services, Java, J2EE, XML, BEA WebLogic
Paul J. Perrone -noted author, enterprise development expert; founder and CTO of Assured Technologies, Inc.

Widely Regarded, Internationally Renowned Developer on: .NET, XML, UML, C++, Java, ASP, VB, Perl, Internet, Web services
Kate Gregory -best-selling author, distinguished speaker, adjunct faculty at Trent University, acclaimed developer, Microsoft Regional Director, founding sponsor of a .NET Users Group, founding partner at Gregory Consulting Limited

Best-selling Author and Top-ranking A+ Authority
Craig Landes -more than twenty-years of time-tested information systems experience; highly respected A+ author, together with James G. Jones, whose -A+ Exam Cram 2 -book (220-221, 220-222) is a favorite of certification candidates

Internationally Known Business Travel Authority Provides Best Practices
Donna Williams -former senior business executive turned writer and consultant gives practical advice on traveling -required reading for all

World Renowned Entrepreneur, Distinguished Software Architext/Designer/Developer, Noted Speaker, and Widely Acknowledged Technology Expert
Bill French -co-founder of MyST Technology Partners and Global Technologies Corporation; authored or co-authored more than 36 software products sold to millions of customers worldwide; his software has garnered many awards including Database Advisors - Readers Choice Awards for 9 consecutive years, IT Excellence and PCWeek Analysts Choice Awards; regular contributor to IDG's Information age with past regular articles featured in DBMS Magazine, Database Advisor, and Lotus Notes Advisor; past, roles have included Chief Architext for Starbase Corporation, Chief Architext for Site Technologies Inc., and Controller/VP Finance for Veldkamp's Floral Corporation

Renowned and Widely Regarded Project Management Author, Consultant, Instructor
David Francis -adjunct Project Management Instructor at Indiana Institute of Technology and Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis; Director of Education for the Project Management Institute, Central Indiana Chapter; PMI Registered Education Provider; president of The Project Management Company

Internationally Regarded Authority on Web services and Microsoft Senior Developer Specialist
Ashwin Karuhatty -noted expert in Microsoft technologies

Award Winning Author, Writer, Top Adobe Expert
Jeff Sengstack - regional Emmy-award winning former news reporter; two Society of Professional Journalists first-place awards; widely acknowledged Adobe Expert and Instructor on Premiere

Internationally Acclaimed Word Perfect Authority and MS Word Expert
Laura Acklen -celebrated author, contributor to Corel's, moderator at WordPerfect Universe, Web-guru of

Distinguished, Internationally Regarded Design Engineer, Patent Holder, and A+ Authority
Charles Brooks -noted best-selling author, highly respected curriculum designer and researcher, certification expert, member of the CompTIA's vaunted A+ Advisory Committee, and President of Marcraft International Corporation

Top International Expert in Excel and Noted Author
Patrick Blattner -author, writer; Excel authority; member of the Academy of Interactive Arts and Sciences; formerly with Disney Interactive in media development; currently, a top specialist within the AOL product group

Top award-winning executive in Networking shares her views
Trish Gulbranson ... President and CEO of NetPro Computing Inc.; named Technology Leader of the Year and sits on the Board of Directors of the Arizona Technology Council; co-chaired the Investing In Innovation Venture Capital Conference for six years

Foremost hardware expert
Scott Mueller ... president of Mueller Technical Research; Upgrading and Repairing PCs is an international best seller with more than 2.3 million copies sold; articles have appeared in many publications including Forbes, Investors Business Daily

Development and MS Access--International Expert
Roger Jennings ... one of Microsoft's 15 Access Heroes; 21+ book credits, 1.25 million English copies in print; principal of OakLeaf Systems; contributing editor for Fawcette Technical Publication's Visual Studio Magazine and a columnist for .NET Insight and XML & Web Services newsletters; developer of the OakLeaf XML Web Services development site and his OakLeaf US Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) XML Web services demonstration project won the 2002 Microsoft .NET Best Charter Award for horizontal solutions

Renowned Expert in Security
Richard Chadderton ... data networking expert specializing in large-scale data network security design, defence, and investigations

International Authority in Linux
Hoyt Duff ... author; contributor for Linux Format magazine; helped edit English versions of the Mandrake 7.x and 8.x documentation, and he has helped edit the early English content for the webzine,

Internationally recognized expert in digital photography and Adobe Photoshop
Carla Rose ... 28 books credits; contributing editor for Photoshop User magazine and has written for the Atlantic Fisherman, Adobe Magazine and The New Yorker

Master of multimedia and web applications, and noted Dreamweaver expert
Zak Ruvalcaba ... founder and president of Module Media, a media development and training firm; author

Job Opportunities
Stephen Mill ... regional manager for Robert Half Technology shares his views

Java, Linux, Radio Userland guru and accomplished author, web developer
Rogers Cadenhead ... Web publisher (sites receive seven million hits a year); columnist for Linux Magazine and has authored more than 17 books

Expert on web technologies and the Mac
Robyn Ness ... web developer at Ohio State focusing in usability and content design; author

Linux kernel authority and noted software engineer
Robert Love ... author, contributing editor for Linux Journal and a software engineer for MontaVista Software; kernel projects include the process scheduler, the preemptive kernel, the VM, and multiprocessing enhancements. He maintains schedutils and procps

World-renowned writer, author, journalist, publisher, humorist, Internet and technology expert
Randy Cassingham ... with more than 200,000 subscribers in over 190 countries, Randy is author and publisher of the highly successful newsletters and websites, This is True (, the True Stella Awards (, Heroic Stories (, and The Spam Primer (

Internationally renowned IT expert/Editor, and award-winning author
Preston Gralla ... 20 book credits; executive editor and columnist for CNet and ZDNet; newsletter, Gralla's Internet Insider; CBS Early Show, CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, TechTV, National Public Radio's All Things Considered, and CNet Radio

Highly respected author, consultant, programmer, and Exchange, Outlook, Access, SQL integration expert
Patricia Cardoza ... articles on Exchange and Outlook for TechRepublic, .NET Magazine, and Microsoft's Office Communities page. In addition since 2001, she has been a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) in Outlook

Global and corporate communications authority
Patrice-Anne Rutledge ... 20 book credits; developer of the monthly columns, Global Business Today, and eCommunicate

Internationally known and widely respected author, writer, consultant
Michael Miller ... President of The Molehill Group a strategic consulting and authoring firm based in Carmel Indiana

Top-ranking, patent awarded developer, past Microsoft lead engineer
Leo A. Notenboom ... owner of Puget Sound Software, LLC.

Expert on XSLT, SVG, XQuery
Kurt Cagle ... featured speaker at more than a dozen conferences in the last five years; founding writer and regular contributor for Fawcette's XML and Web Services Magazine; author

Spokesperson, author of industry articles and frequent public speaker on IT staffing
Katherine Spencer Lee ... executive director of Robert Half Technology, leading provider of information technology (IT) professionals on a project or full-time basis

.NET authority and author of C# Station web site
Joe Mayo ... more than 17 years of industry experience, is an acknowledged authority in software development, specializing in .NET technologies; author. He opened his C# Station Web site in July of 2000.

Cisco and Microsoft networking expert, MS Office master
Joe Habraken ... international IT expert, consultant, best-selling author, trainer and educator with more than 15 years in the industry

Leading enterprise architext and authority on Java J2EE, SOA, Web services, XQuery, Cisco
James McGovern ... Enterprise Architext for The Hartford Financial Services Group; author

Master of .NET, VB, C#
James Foxall ... vice president for development and support for, writer for Access-Office-VBA Advisor and Visual Basic Programmer's Journal; author

Leading Mono, PostgreSQL, PHP expert
Hans-Jurgen Schonig ... author; one of the founding partners of Cybertec Geschwinde & Schonig

Elite training and certification authority shares his views
Ed Tittel ... a 20 year world-renowned expert in training, certification, IT technologies with over 120 books to his credit

World famous, multiple-award winning writers/editors/authors and IT/MS Office experts
Ed Bott and Woody Leonhard ...,

World Leading Authority in Disaster Recovery, business continuity planning, and security
Dexada Jorgensen ... senior manager, Telus

Guru, Cisco Networking and Certification
David Hucaby, CCIE No. 4594, noted author

2003 - Consulting Magazine's - Top 25 Consultants of the Year
Damian Walch ... VP of Consulting, T-Systems

Leading Anti-Spam Expert
Anne P. Mitchell Esq. ... widely respected attorney, President and CEO of the Institute for Spam and Internet Public Policy (ISIPP)

Widely Respected International Authority on Web Services Strategy
David A. Litwack ... senior vice president, Novell Web Application Development Products

World-Renowned Authority on Broadband and an Industry Visionary
Rouzbeh Yassini ... founder/CEO of YAS Broadband Ventures LLC

UNIX and Internet Authority
Dave Taylor ... author, programmer, teacher, entrepreneur

Internationally-Renowned Authority in Digital Audio, Music, Sound and Sound Design
Gary Bourgeois ... Director of Multimedia, Vancouver Film School

World's Foremost Security Technologist
Bruce Schneier ... Founder and Chief Technical Officer for Counterpane Internet Security, Inc

Questions and Answers with an Experienced Manager
Jennifer Butcher ... QA Manager of Integration Products, for Pivotal Corporation

Foremost Expert in High-End Distributed Software Architextures
Roger Sessions ... author of many books, magazine articles, his own ObjectWatch Newsletter plus he heads up ObjectWatch Inc.

CRM Expert
Dean Guest ... one of the founders of iFusion Solutions Inc.

World-renowned Expert in XML, Semantic Web, Development
Mike Daconta ... Chief Scientist, APG, McDonald Bradley, Inc., author

Acclaimed Chief Executive
Jack Messman ... Chairman and CEO of Novell

Internationally-Renowned Analyst
Trevor Eddolls ... author, lecturer, consultant, editor--Xephon (UK)

Famed Writer, Cartoonist
J.D. "Illiad" Frazer ... Online strip 'User Friendly,' author

International Development Expert, Author, CodeGuru Writer
Paul Kimmel ... founder of Software Conceptions Inc., author

Software Development Tips
Paul Burns ... leading expert in SQL systems/OLAP, and .NET

eMedia Development Expert
Randy Coin ... international authority in electronic media, instructional design, and course development

Sun Java Expert
Ramesh Nagappan ... enterprise Java architext for Sun Java Center, Sun Microsystems, Burlington, MA; author

Windows 2003 Server & Industry Trends
Don Jones ... international technology consultant, TechMentor/Comdex presenter, and a founding partner of BrainCore.Net; author

A Look at the Publishing World
John Pierce ... Vice President of Merchandising, Pearson Education, the world's largest publisher

Development Expert
David Conger ... 20-year veteran of open source, network programming, computer graphics, C, C++, C#, and Java; author

Architexture Guru
Michael Daconta ... Director, Web & Technology Services at McDonald Bradley, Inc.; author

Microsoft Evangelism
Ilya Bukshteyn ... Group Program Manager, Developer Platform and Evangelism Division at Microsoft Corp.

.NET Expert
Chris Payne ... international authority in the .NET framework, author

XML Expert
Ron Schmelzer ...renowned expert in XML and XML-based standards and initiatives, founder of ZapThink; author

Widely regarded chief executive
Jack Messman ... Novell CEO

Internationally Known Analyst
Trevor Eddolls ... senior editor, consultant with Xephon (UK); author

Software Development Expert
Dan Haywood ... specializing in OO design, Java and J2EE, Sybase technical consulting, and data modeling; author

Software Development Expert
Andy Carmichael ... renowned authority in software development methods and processes with more than 20 years experience in the industry; author

Noted Leader Shares His Views
Gordon Campbell ... BC Premier

International JAVA Expert
Andy Longshaw ... international expert in application development, deployment, consulting, training, and technical writing, Content Masters Ltd.; author

Crystal Decision Expert
Craig Todd ... Senior Program Manager, OEM, Crystal Decisions Inc. (formerly Seagate Software)

JAVA Expert
Martin Bond ... .. international expert in application development, deployment, consulting, training, and technical writing, Content Masters Ltd.; author

Acclaimed Developer & Trainer
Paul Sheriff ... renowned application developer, courseware developer/trainer, top MSDN Regional Director, founder PDSA Inc.

Expert in Interop
Adam Nathan ... world's foremost expert in .NET/COM Interop and the Common Language Runtime, design engineer, Microsoft Corp.; author

World-renowned Application Expert and Foremost Expert in VB
Rod Stephens ... VB helper web site at, receives more than a million hits per month; author

Wireless Expert
Daniel Scuka ... freelance writer and senior contributing editor for J@pan Inc magazine where he covers wireless business and technology, entrepreneurship, tech ventures, and Internet-related issues; author

CLR Expert
Kevin Burton ... widely known and respected senior software design engineer, C++ veteran, and an international expert in COM development, C# and .NET; author

Systems Design Expert
Richard Longworth ... widely regarded systems expert, presenter at the World Computing Congress, senior computing faculty

Technology Writer
Peter Wilson ... "Net Works" technology editor, at the Vancouver Sun

World-leading Disaster Recovery Expert
Dexada Jorgensen ... senior manager, Telus

Current IT Market
Jelka Posilovic ... computing professional

Rising IT Company
Stu Sjouwerman ... President of Sunbelt Software, # 409 in the 2001 Inc. 500 List ; Editor of W2Knews ; author

Balancing an IT Career
Peter Rakoczy ... Director, Microsoft Consulting Services, Microsoft Canada Co.

Technology Careers
David O’Leary ... past President of the Association for Co-operative Education for BC/Yukon, current chair of co-operative education, and Prior Learning Assessment coordinator for a BC-based College, national leadership award recipient

Go Deep or Go Wide: Career Strategies with EDS Futurist Jeff Wacker

Microsoft Canada
Andrew Coulson ... Director, National Partner Team, Microsoft Canada Co.

High-End Distributed Software Architextures
Roger Sessions ... world's foremost expert in high-end distributed software architextures, publisher ObjectWatch Newsletter, founder ObjectWatch Inc., former lead architext for the CORBA persistence service; author

IT Media Productions
Ronait Tynan ... project manager with SmartForce's e-Media group. Ronait is an international authority on IT and media productions for SmartForce, the world's largest e-learning/training services company

C# & .NET Expert
Christian Nagel ... Curriculum Management Software Development for Global Knowledge and MSDN Regional Director, Austria; author

Ruby Creator
Y. Matsumoto ... world renowned, Yukihiro Matsumoto, the creator of Ruby and the author of O'Reilly's recently released book on the language, "Ruby in a Nutshell"

C++ Expert
Jesse Liberty ... highly respected international authority on C++, C#, and application development; author

Dot Net Expert
Yong Tao Chen ... first person worldwide to earn MCDBA designation together with the CNA, MCSE+I, MCSD, CSP and NSP titles

IT Priorities
Dr. Jamie Kaminski ... Senior Technology Analyst and Technical Briefings Manager Xephon

.NET Guru
Larry Grothaus ... Lead Product Manager, .NET Enterprise Solutions, evangelist of the Microsoft .NET Enterprise server and development tools strategy, Microsoft Corp.; author

Top Developer
D. Appleman ... world renowned expert and international authority of application development; top developer on COM, VB components, and .NET; author

Top award-winning leader
Frank Clegg ... President of Microsoft Canada

Women in IT Management
Trish Gulbranson ... award-winning President of NetPro, a leading provider of directory infrastructure management software

SQL Expert
Cindy Anderson ... senior analyst, and a top expert in SQL systems, for Microsoft in Redmond Washington

Modeling Events for Today's System Requirements
Richard Longworth ... senior analyst and college educator

Future Directions
Jahnis Gillan ... Marketing Manager, Channel Development, Microsoft Canada

Important Technologies and Technology Directions
Dr. Jaime Kaminski ...  Senior Technology Analyst and Technical Briefings Manager, Xephon

SQL Expert
Tom Moreau ... regular columnist for SQL Server Professional, and author of "Advanced Transact-SQL for SQL Server 2000."

Windows XP
Erik Moll ... lead Manager for Microsoft's Windows Platform Group

Dot Net Leader
Yong Tao Chen ... leading developer for some of the largest organizations

Women in IT
Cathy Michitsch ... founder Michitsch Systems Inc., Raiser's Edge specialists and customized database & web site designers and developers

Entering the IT Field
Cindy Robinson ... writer, editor, HiTech Career Journal

Internet Guru
Michael Flynn ... expert on .NET, Developer Tools, Commerce Server, BizTalk Server, ISA Server, Microsoft Corp.

Graphics Expert
Peter J. Bauer ... Photoshop 6 Web Magic

Graphics Expert
Jeff Foster ... Photoshop Web Magic series

Graphics Design Expert
Al Ward ... Contributor to the book "Inside Photoshop 6"

IT Trends
Dr Jaime Kaminski ... Senior e-Commerce Analyst and Technical Briefings Manager, Xephon

Tech Update
Interview Dr. Eric Schmidt: Tech Update

Netware 5 Review
Interview with Dr. Eric Schmidt

Dr. Eric Schmidt
1999 Interview with Dr. Eric Schmidt

Dr. Eric Schmidt
1998 Interview with Dr. Eric Schmidt

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